View Full Version : hey, im new here

08-08-07, 16:32

I joined this site coz I kinda feel like im alone even though I hav my friends and family lookin out for me they dont reali seem to understand wat im goin thru.
this past wk has been awful for me, I havent been able to leave the house to go to work, I just keep cryin all the time and gettin myself into a right state worryin about the slightest things, finding it hard to sleep to.

does anyone wanna chat wiv me


08-08-07, 16:46
Hello Kirsty :welcome:to you!

Sorry you're having it so tough at the moment - you're not alone now, and will find plenty of people here who understand what you're going through.

Even with the support of familyand friends , just talking to people who understand because they have had similar experiences is very comforting.

You'll get plenty of helpp and support here- pleased to meet you!


08-08-07, 16:55
thank u, that means a lot. the site seems like its goin to help me a bit

08-08-07, 17:07

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

08-08-07, 17:15
Hi Kirsty and :welcome: to no panic.You will get lots of support here and friendly advise.You sound quite depressed sweety.Have you seen a gp.We all understand here.:hugs: :hugs:

08-08-07, 17:22
Welcome Kirsty

Nice to meet you and im sure you will find great support and comfort here.

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

08-08-07, 17:30
Hi Kirsty,

I'm new here as well. you will feel better talking to the forum community and gaining their knowledge and support. Its refrehing talking to people who understand your feelings and know the positive advice to give you. If you haven't been to your GP i would take a visit and tell them exactly how your feeling. They will be able to decide the best way to help you but everyone her will offer you support and help you feel more positive about life. Just reading a couple of things people have written today has made my day seem that bit better.

Take care

08-08-07, 18:23
Hi kirsty

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support while making new friends on the way.:)


08-08-07, 20:29
Hi Kirsty and :welcome:

You've come to the right place and everyone here understands. You'll get loads of advice and support while making new friends along the way.

Take care,


08-08-07, 21:04
Hi Kirsty,
Welcome Its Good To Hear Ya Have Fam And Friends By Ya Saide But As We Know No One Can Understand Unless You Have Gone Thru This For Them Selves.souns Like Ya Sad Because Of The Things U Cant Do At This Time...thats Normal Hun.hang In There Things Will Look Up..you Will Find Lots Of Info And Support Here..i Wish Ya The Best.....linda X

09-08-07, 13:45
thanks everyone for being so kind and supportive!
glad I came here!
to those who asked if I had seen my GP, yeah I go there every 2 weeks, she keeps a check on me and stuff and to see if the medication is workin etc.

Thank u guys :) nice 2 know I can make some new friends here who understand and dont critise me


09-08-07, 21:32
Hi Kirsty

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will soon settle in and feel at home and get some great support and advice.

10-08-07, 10:44
Hi Kirsty,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
11-08-07, 22:01

love minnie xxxx