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View Full Version : extreme mood swings!!

01-01-05, 19:00
I have been diagnosed with GAD and have suffered with this and PA's for last 3 years. One of my main problems at the moment are these incredible mood swings i get. I have a very supportive partner, whom i love so much but have been so close to leaving him because i feel so angry and irrational. This usually has absolutely nothing to do with him. We have talked about this and he said sometimes he's scared to come home as he doesn't know what mood i will be in. Nor do i !! I have said i will leave, but neither of us wants this. I feel like i am killing a very loving and wonderful relationship and it's breaking my heart. Please help, any advice greatfully appreciated. KT

01-01-05, 21:08

This is quite normal and I have been there and know how you feel.

It is because we are so frustrated with life and can't see an end to the panic/anxiety.

We don't mean to take it out on others but we do cos we can't see what else to do.

I have been feeling very low for a few weeks and I find that I shout more at my partner when I am like this and I don't even know why. Just everything seems to upset me. Are you the same?

I think it is just the stress of work and Xmas and I am trying hard not to take it out on him cos he has done nothing.

I hope things pick up for you soon ok?


02-01-05, 01:46
Hi Kt

It is hard how you are feeling and i cant appreciate how hard it is with your parnter but feel that with my daughter who is 9.. Before i got onto this site i thought i was alone in how i feel but now realise how im not. Things recently seemed to settle down for me but this last few weeks i know that i am snapping at the most trivial thing.

Remember your partner is there for you and we can make it better however hard it is. Guess we tend to take it out on those closest to us.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

Andrew Sinclair
02-01-05, 14:20
Hi kt,
this is a problems a lot of us who suffer with depression get this time of year.
I am suffering terribly at the moment after a very long term of being on top, it is so so hard, but never forget the person you love, they love you, dont throw that away, you need their strength to help you. XXX Andrew.

02-01-05, 14:34
hi KT, yes mood swings amongst all the other symtoms are so common, and yes we do seem to hurt the one who loves and supports us most. Are you receiving and meds or help of any kind? Just think to yourself you must not leave him and hard as it is you must tell him when you get out of the mood that u realy dont mean to hurt him and let him know not to take it to heart when u r in these moods. I always tell my wife I love her and its not her its me when i am down. If you leave you will have lost the support and love u so much need at the moment and will only feel a lot worst for doing it. Hope u can get better soon and take care. Vernon

02-01-05, 14:36
by the way why not popping into the chat room some evening? the chat to people with same problems might help u a bit. take care . vernon

02-01-05, 17:16
Thankyou all for replying. I am not taking any meds other than Zopiclone to help me sleep at night. I have previously taken numerous different tablets inc. Citalapram, Fluoxetine, Amytriptiline, Seroxat (to name just a few!) I seem to be very sensitive to the side effects. At the moment I'm taking Omega 3 and a vit B complex and have just started seeing a homeopathist to find out if this will help. Am at wits end with what to do next and would far rather take a natural supplement. Have seen a counsellor and done that CBT thing, which was ok but as I still feel bad some days I wonder if it helped at all! This site has helped me hugely, whenever I get a strange feeling I look up the symptoms here and feel better. It's amazing how many others feel the same. I know I will get through this and be happy again, I just need to prioritise the things in my life and count my blessings. KT