View Full Version : anxiety or neurosis

09-08-07, 07:37
Hi i have been doing a lot of reading on the internet and it seems that gad and neurosis are very closely linked, just wandered if anyone could shed light on this? i have always consisdered myself to be suffering with gad, now i am not sure. should i be looking at myself from a different perspective? Any help or advice would be appreciated as i am going through a bad spell at the moment.

09-08-07, 10:21
:) i dont really know all that much about this stuff but i would have thought they are one and the same thing? isnt gad, ptsd, social phobia, panic disorder, agoraphobia etc etc just modern terms and classifications for nuroses? not sure though, is there somebody on here who can actually clarify this? emma

09-08-07, 11:21
Hi Dave

Wikipedia to the rescue!


Basically, a neurosis is anything psychological that makes you feel bad but where but you remain fully aware of the reality of the situation - I guess that means that gad is one example of a neurosis.

I don't know about you but I hate the term neurosis. I don't consider myself neurotic - I think I'm pretty cool actually although I get some mean spells of anxiety... ha ha

Hold on in there Dave



09-08-07, 17:38
:) :)tnx joe for clarifying that! personally i dont have a problem with being labelled neurotic,coz basically I AM! but atleast i know and im not mad!:winks: emma

10-08-07, 10:01
Hi Dave

As Joe says GAD is classed as a neurotic disorder. Mental health problems are classed as 'neurotic' disorders and 'psychotic' disorders, although these terms are being used less these days. Thinking of yourself as 'neurotic' is likely to make matters worse, due to the negative connotations this word brings to mind.

Hope this helps

10-08-07, 14:33
hi dave good question ,thanks joe for the link..........it seems to be more or less the same something im goiing to ask my doc about as we know anxiety does comes from the nerve systym...................best to ya ..........linda x

10-08-07, 15:26
Hi Dave,

Thanks to others for useful clarification (and to Wikipedia :) ) but you said yourself that you are going through a bad spell. That's what matters, recognising it and then realising the need to look after yourself to get better. Doesn't matter much if it is called neurosis, gad or Wayne :) and trawling the internet to understand the differences probably isn't going to help.

I know I might sound a bit insensitive, but just trying to spread a bit of advice based on bitter experience.


10-08-07, 17:08
The term 'neurotic' just makes me think of Freud and ladies noses......

Yup - GAD is one of the 'neurotic' disorders....I think the DSM IV and ICD-10 (doctor's bibles for diagnosing psychiatric conditions) distinguish between the neuroses and psychoses.....but that's what Cari (and Wikipedia) already said :winks:

All of these conditions - Panic disorder, OCD, Social Phobia, Health Anx etc are (if you believe in the 'Medical Model'), Neurotic conditions. It's just a name really to help them with their filing.

I think I'll call mine Wayne :yesyes:


10-08-07, 17:56
Lol the word makes me think of victorian ladies and their smelling salts, as opposed to old Piglet and her rescue remedy.

If your calling yours Wayne I may call mine Hermingtrude as that's a damn fine name for any neurosis.

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-08-07, 18:06
Hermingtrude? Great! Sounds kind of Germanique......I think Freud would be proud :yesyes: Wasn't he Austrian? I think he'd still be proud. Not sure what he'd make of Wayne....

10-08-07, 18:19
I wonder if Wayne was even a name in his day?

What about changing it to something like Agustus or Algernon!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

10-08-07, 18:24
Might just be facetious and call it Sigmund :winks:
