View Full Version : So fed up

Silly Blonde
09-08-07, 08:38
I haven't been here for a long time as I was starting to feel pretty good. I have been mega stressed and busy at work, but it seemed to work as a wonderful distraction as I had no tummy ache etc etc.

I have just found myself a much better job - more money, better work/life balance and since I handed my notice in and "took my foot off the gas" I have been feeling dreadful, horribly loose bowel movements, bad stomach ache, and generally feeling yucky, as though i have bad flu or as though i have been hit by a large truck!!:weep:

My husband (not that I'd ever admit I agreed with him) said that its probably because when i was busy i was using up the dreaded adrenaline, and now that i have slowed down, it is not being used up.

I'm so fed up, this is supposed to be an exciting time for me, yet I feel terrible.

Sorry for the moan - just needed a bit of reassurance.

SB x

09-08-07, 09:47
Hiya, sounds about normal to me, I know how it feels, the stress and adrenaline becomes the norm.

I expect it'll take a couple of weeks before you come down and relax, tummy upset is just part of it?

Don't be fed up, start to look forward to your next Job:)

Look forward to hearing how you progress, keep us posted.

Good Luck:flowers:

Dave x

09-08-07, 10:00

Bad news, I think your hubby is right ;).

My anxiety is low when I am busy but as soon as I am quiet workwise, my anxiety creeps back in.

I find that if I pop to the gym regular, I tend to not get bothered with anxiety even if I am not busy workwise so I would say your hubby has hit the nail on the head.

Is there any activities you enjoy? swimming, cycling etc just to keep the anxiety at bay?



Silly Blonde
09-08-07, 10:35
Thanks both. I am my own worst enemy where exercise is concerned. My hubbie tries to drag me out for walks in the evening - whereas I always use the excuse "I feel too ill". Maybe I should listen to him a bit more!

Have an appointment with my psychologist tonight, so will "off-load" then. After that I have an appointment with my psychiatrist (the medicine man), I was going to start a long withdrawal programme to get me off the mirtazapine, but looks like I may be sticking with them for a bit longer!

Thanks again

SB x