View Full Version : how to break the cycle

09-08-07, 10:50
ok, so i'm off on holiday tomorrow with my boyfriend:) but i'm in the midst of a huge health anxiety attack. it got so bad yesterday i told my folks i couldn't go on holiday. and they had a go at me and kind of made me see sense. i'm hurting all those around me by being in this state. so.. the thing is.. i'm trying HARD to put the negative thoughts out of my mind - and trying not to monitor every little ache my body makes.. but does anyone have any ideas on how to stay sane for the next 10 days - not so much for my benefit but for those around me..

really appreciate any suggestions:)

09-08-07, 10:58
Hi Jessica.

I find holidays can be terrible for HA and it's one of the things that makes me saddest about this condition. If I am leaving the country I fear I won't have access to the health care I need. What you should try to do is ignore the negative thoughts. If you do have a medical condition well what will be will be, you cannot control that, what you can control is how much enjoyment you get out of life.

Please go on your holiday and speak to your friends family so that they can help put your fears into perspective, don't let this get you down, you have to fight.

I hope you have a great time xx

09-08-07, 12:17
I am exactly the smae as Greeneyed, I love the thought of going away with my family but once im away i panic about us being away from home and near our own GP surgery and hospital, its just being out of our comfort zone.

Once I am there I do relax after a day or so.

They key is to ignore the negative thoughts and ignore your body, have a glass of wine and relax. I found I was worse at night on holiday and I had a glass of wine and I relaxed so much and all of my worries went. Not that im saying you shoudl drink yourself stupid. I only had 1 I think 2 one night and it just helped me to chill out abit because I was away from home.

Have a lovely time and fight that panic;-)

09-08-07, 12:40
thanks guys that really helps and i hope you guys feel ok too! i'm sure it will be so hot i'll be more bothered by that than the anxiety!

take care, :flowers: