View Full Version : lumb in jaw

09-08-07, 21:06
Hiya all
I have found i have a lumb around where my jaw bone is. I have waited to see if it will go down. Is hasnt. Its not an ulscer unless u can get one under the skin. I hard and not painful but if i tough it it is slightly tender. I also moves like it isnt connected to anything. I really dont want to go to my doctor because he m,akes me feel like i am wasting his time. But i would like to know what it is

09-08-07, 21:14
Hi Blackie,

sounds like a gland to me, is it about the size of a pea under the skin? They come up and down with colds etc but can take weeks to go once they are up. Try not to play with it as you might be making it sore.

anx x

09-08-07, 21:38
I too have this and having health anxiety have thought is it cancer, I asked my dentist when he did an x-ray and he just said it was tissue nothing bad.

I hope this helps

10-08-07, 09:03
Cheers guys