View Full Version : sad and upset

09-08-07, 22:43
hi guys

sorry to rant but i feel so bad tonight i have had ectopics heart beats for 8 years now worse at diffrent times of the month , me and hubby booked a weeks away in whitby for my little girl as i am scared to go to far these ectopics get me so stressed and panicy ,well we went on saterday and we were meant to be there till this coming saterday but i have had to come home the ectopics got so bad today i was so scared i just got all our stff and got in the car :weep:
i feel so sad i just keep thinking i am such a bad mum my liittle gorl was so upset i mean she has had a very good week we have been on the beach ect but today was so bad i was so scared still am i carnt stop crying ect i feel so horrid .i dont think i have ever felt so mean and so upset :weep: :mad:

jodie x

09-08-07, 23:39
aww jodie. you are a great mum. at least you stayed as long as you could hun. and you gave it your all. as you know i am away at the moment and it is very hard when we are out of our safety zone. you have been my friend for quite a while and i know you are such a great mum to your little girl. jodie please dont beat your self up over it hun. at least you went on holiday and you persivered this long. big hugs to you \
love your best friend debera :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

09-08-07, 23:40
Don't beat yourself up too much. I haven't anything useful to say really :blush: just wanted to say that. :)

10-08-07, 00:02

Have a hug from me too hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Like Debra said, you did so well leaving your comfort zone, im sure your daughter had a lovely time, Whitby is such a lovely place i have been there many times myself, try and focus on the days you where there, that on its own is a big achievement for you hun You should hold your head up high and be proud of yourself!:) .

Dont be hard on yourself,you did so well !:hugs: :hugs:


10-08-07, 00:11
Hi Jodie
I have the same problem which includes horrid attacks of palpitation. The palpitation don't bother me that much, but my blood pressure shoots up to dangerously high levels. I had an attack two nights ago, and as usually I get my blood pressure monitor to see whats happening. It was sky high, 250/120, it's supposed to be around 120/80. I didn't panic or anything, I just laid down to relax and try and control my pule rate, or bring the pressure down. Anyway, after relaxing for for about 5 minutes, I took my blood pressure again and it dropped considerable, down to 180/100, still too high, but a lot better than it was. The next thing I had to do was to try and get my pulse rate back to normal. What i do is to take a deep breath, hold it in for awhile, and let it out slowly. It took a few attempts, but eventually my heart seemed to stop and then go back into it's normal rhythm. I used to panic like hell when I first got them and make bee-line for the hospital, where they either give you drugs or use a defibrillator to restore you heart rhythm. Now though I don't panic and sort it out myself. I know it doesn't help you much Jodie, but the worst thing you can do is to panic as it just makes it worse and prolongs it.

10-08-07, 00:19
Jodie you are not a bad mum at all love - you went and you tried!!

I too have ectopics from time to time and I know how scary they are - can I just ask what if anything has your doctor advised. Some people try beta blockers and I can't remember if you've been down this route or not?

Meg once told me to try and see them as no more annoying than a run of sneezes would be and that helped me enourmously - have I already told you that?

Anyway sausage don't beat yourself up over this.

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-08-07, 10:42
Hi Jodie,

I'm really sorry you've been having a hard time with the ectopics. I know how horrid they can be - like many people on here I've had them for years.

I read somewhere recently that coughing can help. Something to do with stimulating the vagus nerve that feeds into your heart and 'resetting' the rhythm. I've tried it and it seems to help..it also gives you another sensation to focus on so that the heart sensation isn't so noticeable.

I hope it helps :hugs:


10-08-07, 12:19
thanks everyone

i still have ectopics today but not as bad ,after thinking about it i had such a bad week befor i went its to much of a long story to say why but i was very stressed with this health anxiety ,and then the day we went i had a bad tmmy (ladys probs:blush: )so i htink i had jst gone on the worst week ever lol
i still feel bad on my little girs as she could of been on the beach today poor kid but i am sure making it up to her today lol
thanks agane all of you this place allways makes me feel better :)
piglet.......i have had a echo on my heart and only seen the heart doc 3 weeks ago he sead all was fine and no probs at all i just need to think like you do i guess and not stress over them i am normaly ok but when i get them were it is every other beat i go right into panic :mad:

jodie xx

10-08-07, 13:32
Glad you feel abit better today Jodie. Going away makes me very anxious too, my health anxiety goes through the roof.

I hope you feel better soon, don't feel bad though your little girl had a break away and im sure she enjoyed herself.

10-08-07, 13:54
You went, and that is a BIG achievement.

OK, it didn't go completely as you had hoped but at least you had the corage to go and do it which is the key and not to be dismissed so easily.

We all know how scary it is with ectopics and how you can lose all rational thought and panic etc. I agree with Piglet, seeing them as a "sneeze" helped me as well. I probably got that from Meg also. Thank God for Meg!!

Maybe don't see it as a failure but one small positive step in the right direction?

Rome wasn't built in a day as they say and big steps are only lots of little steps put together!! :winks:
Small steps are the way to go. Build your confidence slowly. Don't beat yourself up by focusing on what you see as "failure". Trying is never failure.

All the best,
Trev :D

10-08-07, 19:26
aww thanks cherry i am still getting the ectopics but feel better being home lol
awwwwww trev a big thank you what kind words hun and yes i see what your saying my little girl had a good time and did lots and i felt like coming home the night we got there but i stayed till thursday not to bad huh:huh:

jodie x:hugs:

10-08-07, 23:35
Exactly. It's more than not too bad, it's very good and something to be proud of and build on!

11-08-07, 00:32
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Jodie

Luv Kaz x

11-08-07, 18:28
Hi jodie, I think you should be so proud of yourself for going on holiday, its a huge achievement in itself so please dont beat yourself up about coming home early and i am sure you gave your little girl a lovely time.
love Mags xxxx

11-08-07, 21:56
aww thanks to you all i feel much better abot it now and i am going to take my little girl away for 2 days agane i need to beat this i feel if i dont go i will never go away agane lol


richard sharp
12-08-07, 11:21
hi jodie, i have suffered ectopics, palps etc for some time now and can understand the concerns it gives you. youve done brilliantly to go away from your comfort zone and take a holiday for so long. your little girl will enjoy the things your doing with her and certainly wont think shes missing out on anything. keep thinking positive and things will get easier cos as others have said, the more you worry the more you get them.
regards to you and best wishes, richard

12-08-07, 16:28
thanks richard

your right the more you think the more you get them i can normaly get over them but when they are every other beat and i am away from home i thiink it is just to much but never mind i am feeling much better now

jodie xx

13-08-07, 10:09
When I first started going away I used to take Claire Weekes book with me and whenever I had a dodgy moment.........which was often!!!...........I'd read a bit that I felt re-assured me and then I'd be ok for a bit. Or at least ok enough to carry on a bit longer!
Over time (and I'm talkng weeks and months here) I found that I used to refer to the book less and less.

If you have something that you can take with you that re-assures you then it could be a good way to build up confidence while away. Book or audio or print offs from here.

Good for you for sticking with it.

13-08-07, 16:58
sorry guys, but what are ectopics?

13-08-07, 17:56
"Missed" beats, heart flutters

13-08-07, 19:01
hi all

hi dm missed beat or an extra beat are ectopics as trev has sead and they feel like a bubble or a hard bang in your chest i have been having them for 8 years now and thought i had got past the point of getting into a panic but the last few day i have been so bad having ectopics every other beat somtimes .......today has been the worst i went to town and had to come home i was so scared and as i type i am having them :weep: they are not nice at all

jodie x

13-08-07, 19:10
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Hugs to you Jodie, hope you feel better soon hun.


14-08-07, 14:32
hi all

hi dm missed beat or an extra beat are ectopics as trev has sead and they feel like a bubble or a hard bang in your chest i have been having them for 8 years now and thought i had got past the point of getting into a panic but the last few day i have been so bad having ectopics every other beat somtimes .......today has been the worst i went to town and had to come home i was so scared and as i type i am having them :weep: they are not nice at all

jodie x

i know you've heard it all before, but like i've said, knowledge can really empower you...ectopics from what i've read are harmless, no?

so with that take the embodiment that the next time you will have them you will do something to make you laugh...i do!!

when my heart jumps and i feel like sitting up or standing or ya know, the normal stuff....i burp...no seriously i do burp, and am not talking a subtle little chirp, am talking a big, fat, green, stinky obnoxiously loud GERKIN!!

it gives you something to laugh at, especially when you're in your public, so when ya on your own you tend to laugh about the time when you were on the train sitting next to an old dear and you belched like a swine...


try it!

i hope it works for ya!

15-08-07, 13:35
Hi Jodie, long time no chat :weep: .

I have always had the palpatations and fluttery heart beats and they are scarey, but I just thought I should tell you about something that I think is helping me ,
have you heard of the mineral "POTASSIUM" ?
Its in Bananas and other foods but even if we eat these foods we can still be low in it because if you "SWEAT" alot due to anxiety or have upset stomachs because of anxiety, then your Potassium levels will be low.
Having low pottasium levels WILL make your heart have palpatations and etopics. I have been put on a drip in hospital because of low Potassium levels years ago, it was picked up on a blood test (that most GPS do not ask for).

But the past 5 days I have been taking potassium pills from holland and barrett and they are making a difference. All I can say is just try it and see if it helps:hugs:


15-08-07, 20:45
thanks dm you have made me laugh mabe i will try the burping lmao

mirry ...thanks for that i think i have asked for that blood test and iit was ok but i will try and see of it works....i realy think it is hormones i get the ectopics after my monthly for 3 days and i think it is most months or mabe that is just me:shrug:

jodie x

15-08-07, 22:00
what it is kidda right, is that you're too dependant on test results 'n shit...

you need to make your own diagnosis of your self when ya feeling bad..know that what you are feeling is normal (in a sense!!) and that you know it wont harm ya.

relying on tests all the time makes you test even more and you start to drive a notion where you feel that something IS wrong and that you have to prove it......SERIOUSLY, STOP CLOUDING YOUR MIND WITH "WHAT COULD BE", AND START TO THINK ABOUT "WHAT SHALL I DO TODAY?"...

make life fun...

ps, buy a geeeeeetar!!!


15-08-07, 22:04
hi dm

your right i do rely on tests no matter how many i have i want to have more done but then i am scared of having them as i feel they will come back as somthink realt wrong i guess when i have ectopics i know i am going to be ok ...ii have had them befor i need to get my head aroud it thats for sure lmao.

mabe having more fun is right but not sure about the geeeeetar :wacko:

jo x

15-08-07, 22:11
Hi Jodie

im so sorry your having a bad time at the moment and your eptopics are so bad.
your far from being a bad mum, your a good mum with health problems that get in the way of all types of relationships, especially children because they dont understand.

No one probably knows how you feel because we are all different and problems effect people in all sorts of ways.

you tried your very best thats all you can do


15-08-07, 22:15
hi dm

your right i do rely on tests no matter how many i have i want to have more done but then i am scared of having them as i feel they will come back as somthink realt wrong i guess when i have ectopics i know i am going to be ok ...ii have had them befor i need to get my head aroud it thats for sure lmao.

mabe having more fun is right but not sure about the geeeeetar :wacko:

jo x

ok, forget the geeeet!!

but you'll be cool, kidda...

just get ya head round the fact that anxiety, panic, stress, and ectopics are all what the body is made and sustained for ...

i know you'll be sound...just think "ahhh f*ck it man, whatever!!!!"


15-08-07, 22:17
its funny i had the ectopics realy bad now today i have been working in the house painting ect and nothing as bad as the other day i think it is such a downer when the ectopics come back when you think they have gone but hey i am having a good day so lets hope i have a few more lol

thanks for your kind words hun x


15-08-07, 22:22
this is it!!

bang on your fave tune (me, am listening to alot of Ray Lamontagne - Legend) and really get into it....feel the music.....feel good about yaself.

music can help sooooo much!!


16-08-07, 08:58
Jodie, low potassium can come and go , so the only way is trying some pottasium at the time when you feel the palpatations.


16-08-07, 20:57
hi mirry

i didint know that so when they did the test it might of been ok but when i get them bad the ectopcus happen i will try what you have sead hun see how it gose

jodie xx:hugs:

16-08-07, 22:02
Hi Jodie,

I have ectopics everyday too - they used to come and go, but for the last year they have been here every single day and night. I get them missing every other beat too - and it is really really unnerving. They are the most horrible things aren't they?? No matter how much you are told (or read) to try and ignore them - it is on your mind ALL DAY LONG. Its such a pre-occupation because you can feel them i guess! I can feel them in my chest and throat mostly.
I also get a feeling of constriction in my upper chest too with the ectopics - which is the feeling I hate the most.

I've had a load of tests, take propanolol everyday and am just waiting for the results of a monitor. Have you had ECGs etc? I'm sure you will have - but it can be reassuring to have one again.

Also look on the following website for some really great advice and information - it helped me tremendously. I very rarely post on it - but just reading other peoples posts helps me...


I understand how you feel about travellin too - I'm meant to be going away in September and I'm already terrified!

Good luck with them....

17-08-07, 19:42
hi angle

yes these ectopics are so horrid arnt they i to get them everyday not a day gose that i have none i think i have up and down days (today being a down day )i seem to be stressing over stuff al the time i get so down with it i have a low tummy pain today , and it is of course somethink realy bad lol

anyway i knwo how you feel and as for going away thats is a somthink you are better off doing as when we put it off the fear gets worse i think

jodie :hugs: