View Full Version : Funny Turn

10-08-07, 16:20
Hi All, havent been posting for a while, but need some reassuring please. Went out with my daughter lunchtime, went and bought some plants and sat in the car while she paid, then she come back and I had a awful feeling in my head like I was crashing down and down and I screamed and screamed which didnt help matters at all and my head felt awful one side and of course it scared me to death (and my poor daughter) I have a lot of stress at the moment, my aunty died and I am expected to go to the funeral next week and I am agoraphobic and dont think I can. I just wondered if anyone else has had feelings like that, I really thought I was going to die.

Luv to all

Barb xxxxxx

10-08-07, 16:35
Oh barb i'm really sorry you had to go through that.

the fist thing that starts with my panics is that my head goes soo funny and it tingles all over, its the scariest thing.

Its up to you weather you think you can go or not but i would always try, you managed to go in the car for a while so i'm sure you cab try. i too find it soo scary and think i'm having a stroke but you have to repeat to yourself that it will pass, just make yourself comfortable and just say it will pass, it will pass, and there its gone, or scale it as in the head worry is scale 10 then it will go down 9 8 7 6 to 0 and its gone
sorry i couldn't be more helpful

but i wish you the best of luck to feel better

take care


10-08-07, 17:58
Aww sorry to hear you had a funny turn Barb - do you feel better now?

Love Piglet :flowers:

16-08-07, 22:27
Hi Barb,

I think I have had a very similar feeling in my head just recently which really really scares me. I've had anxiety disorder and panic attacks for 20 years, but this feeling was a new one for me. It has also come after a period of stress for me.

I felt the pressure behind my eyes at first, but then it feels as you said - as if everything is crashing down - or my head will explode inside from the pressure. Very scary - and starts me panicking every time.

I'm trying to be rational about it and just let it go when it wants to... but it is hard. Mine have lasted only for about a minute or so - but not very nice at all!!!

Best Wishes, and I hope you don't get this 'turn' again!