View Full Version : Something People Might Like to Try

02-01-05, 20:59
If you suffer from social anxiety ...
Our team at the Institute of Psychiatry in South London is a world leader in the treatment of social anxiety - without the use of drugs. We have developed highly effective psychological treatments and have an ongoing research programme which aims to further the understanding and treatment of this problem.

We are currently offering psychological therapy for social anxiety and are also running a number of studies looking into the causes of it.

If you suffer from social anxiety, live in the UK and would like to help with our research, we may be able to offer you a new treatment.

If you are interested, please follow the link below and fill in the electronic questionnaire. You reply will be sent to us by e-mail and all your answers will be strictly confidential. We will then get back to you and let you know whether you can take part in our study.



Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

02-01-05, 21:39
Thanks Em - I have filled it out. :D