View Full Version : More Poo!!!!

10-08-07, 23:17
Hi Guys:hugs:

One of my closest friends has had a stroke:weep:

Thelma has had shingles that turned into Ramsey Hunt Syndrome and now she is in hospital after suffering a stroke last Saturday:weep:

I hate hospitals but faced my demons tonight and went to visit.....she looked truly awful and was talking utter rubbish although she did recognise me at least!!

She is 73 and was sooooo fit and healthy until a few weeks ago

I cant bear the thought of losing someone else after Mikes demise:lac:

Please remember her in your prayers:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x

Im of to RHS Wisley (a huge garden ) tomm.....more demons to face:lac:

10-08-07, 23:22
Kazzie I will hun and a hug for you too for managing the hospital. :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-08-07, 23:22
Awww Kaz :hugs:

I am so sorry to hear this sad news about Thelma :weep: Well done for managing to visit her. I hope she is feeling better really soon.

Have a lovely time tomorrow, never been to Wisley but it looks beautiful on tv etc.

Take care mate, thinking of you :flowers:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Lisa x

10-08-07, 23:25
(((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) Kazzie for you and your friend

love anx xx

10-08-07, 23:35
Thanks Guys:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

10-08-07, 23:38
Aaw, Kaz.....what a bummer.

But Thelma is so fortunate to have you - that must have taken some doing to go and visit with her. I'm sure she would think so too.

Big hugs for the both of you




10-08-07, 23:52
Aww Kazzie a big hug for you :hugs: . I hope your friend makes a good recovery.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

10-08-07, 23:57
Sorry to hear about your friend Kazzie.

Hugs to you both


Take Care

Gordon XX

10-08-07, 23:58
Hi Kazzie

Sorry to learn of your friend. Very courageous of you to go and visit her.

She may have been on Morphine, hence the nonsense talk?

Good luck with Wisley...only seen it on TV so you will have the edge on me there...

10-08-07, 23:59
Thanks GG, Karen and Gordy:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-08-07, 00:02
Just had a phone call to say my sons Auntie has just had a baby boy......weighed over 10lb!!!!:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Just thought I would share some happy news too:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-08-07, 00:46
Woah......bet that made her eyes water!!

9lb 12oz made GG's eyes water lol !! And I'm still waiting for them to un-cross !! ooer!


Brilliant news Kaz !!

:hugs::hugs: XXXX

11-08-07, 00:57
Thanks GG:hugs:

Been a funny sort of day.....one minute in Gods waiting room visiting dear Thelma the next toasting a new life coming into the world:yesyes:

Oh well thats life I guess:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-08-07, 03:55
:hugs: kazzie hunny

11-08-07, 06:54
Hi Kazzie, you are well overdue for some better times mate.
(((Big Hug))) 4U, chin up 'ol girl :flowers: xxx

11-08-07, 08:06
:hugs: Thinking of you Kazzie and sending you hugs


Hope your friend makes a speedy recovery, and hope you have a lovely day today my friend.

Great to hear about the new bunndle of joy though, thats lovely.


11-08-07, 15:08
Glad you got some good news aswell Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

11-08-07, 16:21
http://www.yourcoolprofile.com/Images/Hugs_And_Kisses/images/hugs-kisses-05.gif Thinking of you:hugs:

11-08-07, 22:17
Thanks everyone:hugs:

Less of the old Dave you cheeky git:winks:

Well Thelma is still hanging in there:)

New baby is called Jake William:D

And Wisley was fantastic:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-08-07, 22:24
Hugs kaz :hugs:

Glad you heard some good news too :)

Karen xx

11-08-07, 22:29
Thanks Karen:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

12-08-07, 00:03
Glad Thelma is doing ok Kaz :hugs:

Jake is a lovely name too :yesyes:

Lisa x

06-09-07, 23:27
Hi Guys:D

Well the prayers vibes etc are working:yesyes:

Went to see Thelma today and she is heaps better:yesyes:

Ok she isent sorted but being discharged in a couple of weeks, trouble is her hubby has to have a heart op soon so she is going to a nursing home for a few weeks.....

But she can sit up in bed is chatting etc and I really think she will get better now:D

Thank you all so much for all the help:yesyes:

Keep ya posted

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-09-07, 23:54
Oh mate that's brilliant, so glad Thelma is doing ok :yesyes:

Quirky x

07-09-07, 00:02
Me too Lis:hugs:

She told me and hubby tonight we were her best friends in the world:weep:

She has a daughter who is a lesbian and Thelma and hubby cant accept it so they havent spoken for 12 years.....its so sad

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-09-07, 00:07
She has a daughter who is a lesbian and Thelma and hubby cant accept it so they havent spoken for 12 years.....its so sad

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Oh that is sad mate :weep: It's so sad when things like this stop families speaking as her daughter is her daughter whatever her sexuality. I do hope they can get past this at some point.

So sweet she sees you as such a good friend too.

Lisa x

07-09-07, 08:47
Hi Kaz,

so glad your friend seems to be picking up.
Like Lisa says, it is so sad she and her daughter don't talk. A daughter is a daughter whatever path they have in life. Hopefully one day they will make up.


25-09-07, 21:32
Things have taken a real turn for the worse today:weep:

Thelma is really poorly, she now has something wrong with her heart, is incontinent and keeps undressing herself in front of the ward:lac:

Her hubby is going in for a heart op in the next couple of weeks as well so she was supposed to be going to a nursing home but she is too ill to leave hospital now:weep:

Tonight he asked me for my mobile number so he can get hold of me whilst im away if he needs me!!!!

Can see me not going away at this rate:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-09-07, 21:39
Aww Kazzie

have a hug from me hun:hugs: :hugs: So sorry to hear about Thelma:hugs:


25-09-07, 21:44
awww kazzie

i do hope things start to get better agane with your frend hun

thinking of you and will pray for her :hugs:


25-09-07, 22:02
Sorry to hear that Kaz.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

25-09-07, 22:25
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Dreading the phone going to say she is gone:weep:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-09-07, 23:12
Oh Kaz I am so sorry to hear this mate :hugs:

Thinking of you :flowers:

Lisa x

26-09-07, 00:23

So sorry to hear all this - don't know what to say, I want to make it all better for you but I can't.

But I do know how to hug, and you can have as many as you can hold - and give some to your dear friend(s) as well......


Thinking of you and sending lots of love.


26-09-07, 22:23
Awwww thanks Lis and GG:hugs:

She is still hanging in there so fingers crossed eh????

Luv Kaz x x x :hugs:

26-09-07, 22:55
Your welcome mate :hugs:

She sounds like a fighter so I hope she keeps hanging in there and then gets better :hugs:

Lisa x

01-10-07, 22:56

Its all gone tits up again:weep:

Now she has some form of dementia.......she has been spitting at and hitting the nurses:shrug:

Dont hold out much hope:weep:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Thanks for the support:hugs:

01-10-07, 23:04
Sorry to hear that Kaz :hugs:

You've had far more than your fair share to cope with recently. Thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

01-10-07, 23:14
Can't speak, sorry.......only hug.


Thinking of you XXX


01-10-07, 23:22
Thanks Karen and GG

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

01-10-07, 23:41
Sorry to hear this Kaz :hugs:

Thinking of you and Thelma :hugs:

Lisa x

07-10-07, 21:58
Well she has now been diagnosed with severe clinical depression:shrug:

Do people recover from this:shrug:

She has started hitting and spitting at the nurses:shrug:

Tomm she is being moved to moorgreen hospital which is well known as gods waiting room locally where they go to die:weep:

Cant take much more:weep:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

07-10-07, 22:16

Sorry to hear more bad news for you. Hang in there and I hope you are taking care of your self.

Take Care

I Believe That IN Time We All Will Get Better

07-10-07, 23:00
sorry Kazz your going through a sad time at the moment.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Thinking of you:hugs:

07-10-07, 23:31
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: For you Kazzie :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


07-10-07, 23:33
Sorry to hear this Kaz :hugs:

In answer to your question, yes severe clinical depression can be treated and it is possible to recover from it.

Thinking of you and Thelma :flowers:

Lisa x

08-10-07, 16:14
Thank you all so much:hugs:

No news yet so I guess they have moved her now

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

09-10-07, 01:47
Thinking of you Kaz :hugs:

Karen xx

09-10-07, 11:38
It gets worse:weep:

They moved her yesterday lunchtime.......by tea time she was back in winchester hospital again!!!

They said she was far too ill to be in moorgreen and needed medical rather than psyc care!!!

So she is back in winchester hospital and her husband is in southampton hospital today having a heart op and im sooooo worried about both of them

What a mess:weep:

Thank you all for being so kind:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

09-10-07, 13:03
hope things will turn around and be more postive for you

09-10-07, 13:10
Hoping they both make a good recovery very soon Kaz.:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

09-10-07, 16:05
I hope they do too mate :hugs:

Lisa x

09-10-07, 16:30
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Luv Kaz x

09-10-07, 23:03

What a dreadful situation - I can only hope that all these hugs from everyone will sustain you through this difficult time.

Thinking of you.





09-10-07, 23:29
Thanks all:hugs:

Im down as their next of kin:ohmy:

I wish I could make their daughter care:weep:

Still no calls so must be ok i guess???

Kaz x x x:hugs:

10-10-07, 00:24

Thinking of you :flowers:

Lisa x

10-10-07, 14:36
Thanks Lis:hugs:

Well more bad news today......

When they went to put the stent in Brians heart they discovered that he is much worse than they feared so they dident do it and he has to go back to hospital for a triple heart by pass!!!!:lac:

Thelma is on a drip for low pottasium and has a massive infection but they dont know where it is coming from:lac:

Scared to answer the phone right now:weep:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

10-10-07, 15:24
Oh Kaz :hugs:

I do feel for you mate and I hope they both pick up soon. I really feel for them both aswell.

My Uncle had something like that happen, he ended up with a quadruple bypass in the end. It's so sad they are both ill and not together and even sadder about the daughter not being there :weep:

Take care mate,

Lisa x

10-10-07, 16:22
Thanks Lis:hugs:

I have the daughters phone number but dont know if I should ring her:shrug:

Dont want to interfere:lac:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

10-10-07, 18:37
:hugs: :hugs: Kazz thinking of you, hope things improve for them soon.


10-10-07, 18:41
Thanks Andrea:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

10-10-07, 23:23
Really tricky one with the daughter Kaz, I feel for you trying to decide that :hugs:

I think if it was me I might be inclined to contact her, even if it was just to give her the option to visit them and let her know how ill they are. BUT I do not know the situation here of course so only you can decide based on all the facts and knowing them all. Not an easy one though :hugs:

I just feel so sad at the situation though and if it was me I would be gutted if something happened to my parents and I did not get say to say goodbye and I had not made my peace with them etc. I think it's so sad when families don't get on. It would be awful if the daughter regretted it when it was too late too but as I say I do not know anything about their situation.

Anyway good luck with whatever you decide, hope I haven't said anything that makes it harder to decide! If you do contact her though I do not think that is interfering, you are their next of kin so you are involved and you clearly care about them both so much - whatever you do will be because you care and what you feel is right, it is no way interfering mate.

Lisa x

10-10-07, 23:29

Hi, so sorry to hear your news. Here are some hugs for you and your friend for across the pond in USA:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: . I will keep you both in my prayers .

Take Care
Believe:hugs: :hugs:

I Believe that in Time We All Will Get Better!

10-10-07, 23:36
Sorry to hear that Kazz.I dont think you would be interfering if you called the daughter,its then up to her what she does.Does she know they are so ill?

11-10-07, 00:22
typoThanks all

Ok to clarify they only have 1 child she is called Sheridan

Some 12 years ago they had a fall out

Sherrie is a lesbian and Thelma and Brian couldent accept it

So they had a row although Sherrie never admitted it(being gay that is)

They were really rude to her partner

And now they dont speak

I have her number so do I phone her or dont I???

She knew her mum was in hosp and dident seem to care

What do I do now???

Kaz x x x :hugs:

11-10-07, 04:30
Hi Kaz

I really feel for you. You are next of kin and can only do what you think best. Would she want the daughter called? If there is a doubt then call. You are next of kin for a reason though.

I deliberately have no family as my next of kin as I don't ever want their involvement no matter what but maybe this is different. You can only go on your judgement. If the daughter doesn't want to know then that's it.

I really feel for you hun. You have done all you can :hugs:

Big hugs. I wish I could say or do more :hugs:

Karen xx

11-10-07, 13:58
Hi Kaz,

Really feel for you, not an easy decision. I guess the thing is would the parents want to see her? I guess she is really hurt too if they shunned her due to her sexuality, tricky one mate. Are you visiting them at all, I mean could you even ask them if they want to see her etc or are they too ill to be asked? Would be so nice if they could patch it up though wouldn't it, so sad they don;t talk over something as unimportant as her being a lesbian.

Sorry can't help more mate but only you know them and the situation :hugs:

Lisa x

11-10-07, 14:14
Thanks everyone:hugs:

Im still chewing it over

Luv Kaz x x x

11-10-07, 15:00
We are here for you Kaz :hugs:

Karen xx

11-10-07, 15:55
Sorry To Hear All This Kazz....i Was In A Predicament Like You Also With An Elderly Man Who Had A Son Who Hasnt Spoke To In 30 Yrs Only When His Wife Passed Away Then He Kicked Him Out Of His Life Again For Some Reason I Took Care Of Him For Yrs Even Brought Him To My House To Live With Me Since He Needed 24 Hr Care I Always Wanted To Call The Son But I Didnt ..but As He Got Sicker Couple Yrs Later He Passed Away And Always Told Me Not To Call His Son Eeekkk I Didnt Know What To Do So I Went For His Wishes Since His Son Only Lived A Few Miles Away Thats A Toughy I Know..and For Ya Friend Maybe With This Bad Infection Is Making Her Deleriase How Ever Ya Spell It I Seen That Alot In Older People....ive Seen Alot Since I Take Care Of Elderly In There Homes Privatley Last Lady Used To Hit Me Bad Alzeimers ......they Dont Know What There Doing Point Is.....we Get Very Close Dont We And It Hurts To See Them Go Down Hill...im Sending You Positive Thoughts And Hugs For All Of You....i Wish Ya The Best..............linda Xxx

11-10-07, 22:01
Thank you all:hugs:

Even worse news tonight......

They have identified the source of infection and she has MRSA:weep:

However have spoken to Brian re the daughter situation and we have decided to leave it for now!!!

People die of MRSA dont they???:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-10-07, 22:07
A lot of people also recover from MRSI infections. I'm not sure Kaz. You have a lot to cope with.

Hugs hun :hugs:

Karen xx

11-10-07, 22:21
Hi Kaz,

My father, bless him, had mrsa when he was in hospital and probably would have recovered from it had he not then contracted Clostridium difficile and refused his dialysis treatment.

Although mrsa is still a serious condition, it is not now considered 'top of the list' - Clostridium difficile has taken it's place.

Hospitals are much more aware and fastidious in their consideration of this now than they were a while ago.

I'm sure Swan or someone will be able to give you more information than me - and correct me if I've got it wrong.

big huggs for you XXX XXX



11-10-07, 23:10
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Have googled it!!!

Seems she is a gonner:weep:

So sad tonight:weep:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-10-07, 23:16
Aww Kazzie

So sorry to hear of this, it really saddens me when people go in hospital with one thing then end up catching something else.

hugs my friend:hugs: :hugs:

11-10-07, 23:52


12-10-07, 00:06
Oh Kaz sorry to hear this news :hugs:

Not everyone dies form MRSA though so don't give up hope.

Thinking of you :flowers:

Lisa x

12-10-07, 22:42
Still thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

12-10-07, 22:53
Thanks All:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

12-10-07, 23:42
Im so sorry to hear about your friend Kazz.http://www.allglittergraphics.com/thinking_of_you/glitter_graphics/thinking_of_you_graphics_13.gif (http://www.allglittergraphics.com/thinking_of_you/thinking_of_you_glitter_graphic_13.shtml)
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-10-07, 12:37
Any news Kaz?

Thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

13-10-07, 13:29
Has there been any further news today hun?

Piglet :flowers:

13-10-07, 14:39
I was wondering that too?

Thinking of you Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

13-10-07, 15:14
Hi Guys:hugs:

Thank you all for asking:hugs:

No news at the mo but I shall ring Brian this evening when he gets home from hospital and will post on here and let you all know the latest

Thanks for the support.....it means a lot:flowers:

Luv Kaz x x x

13-10-07, 21:52
Well some good news at last......

Seems Thelma is turning the corner:yesyes:

She has stopped weeing herself, is eating, and discussing next years holiday:yesyes:

Im not losing sight of the fact that she still cant walk etc due to the stroke but things are looking brighter:D

Oh and the anti biotic drip she is on for the MRSA is reducing the infection too:yesyes:

So Im feeling much happier tonight:D

Thank you all for caring:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-10-07, 22:19

Piglet :flowers:

13-10-07, 22:22
I am so happy to hear all that Kaz :yesyes: What great news :hugs:

I hope she continues to get better and better now.

Lisa x

13-10-07, 22:25
Aaw, Kaz that's fantastic news!

Hope it gets even better as each day passes.





13-10-07, 22:55
I'm glad there is some good news Kaz :hugs:

Karen xx

14-10-07, 00:49
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Dunno what Id do without you lot:hugs:

Have a good Sunday all:yesyes:

Luv (a very relieved) Kaz x xx x

14-10-07, 02:25
hi kazzie

been following the ups and downs of poor thelma and her hubby, glad to hear this are a bit more promising.

My mum had a stroke earlier in the year, thank god shes fine.
My mum in law also caught c diff a few months ago whilst in hosp with pnuemonia she went down to five n half stone, but shes so much better now, i really thought she wasnt going to make it, to be honest.

You really are such a lovely friend and it seems like thelmas a fighter,

she will recover ..im sure

take care of yourself hu nnie
luv tracie x

14-10-07, 14:47
Awww Kazzie:hugs:

So pleased to read your good news:hugs: , its about time things where looking a little brighter for you all:hugs:


14-10-07, 23:20
Hope you've had a nice relaxing day Kaz :hugs:

Lisa x

14-10-07, 23:27
Thanks Guys:hugs:

Will post another update when I have more news:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

18-10-07, 00:06
Was just wondering how Thelma was doing mate, is she still doing ok?


Lisa x

18-10-07, 18:32
Hi Lis:hugs:

Thanks for asking:D

She is getting better slowly the level of MRSA has dropped but she still has a long way to go:weep:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

18-10-07, 22:35
Thanks for the update Kaz :hugs:

MRSA can take a while to get over but I'm glad it sounds like she is going in the right direction :yesyes:

Lisa x

26-10-07, 21:28
Hi All:hugs:

Well not good news Im afraid:weep:

It seems Thelma has suffered permanant brain damage from all her problems and although not terminal it means she will never be ok again:weep:

I just dont know what to do or say next:shrug:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

26-10-07, 23:00
Oh Kaz :weep:

I am so sorry to hear this mate :hugs:

I don't know what to say to help here but I am thinking of you, and poor Thelma too :hugs:

Lisa x

01-11-07, 23:04
She has permanent irriversable brain damage:weep:

They asked Brian tonight if they could not ressucitate her if she has a heart attack:weep:

They have said death is likely recovery impossible:weep:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Ps sorry for spelling but im in tears can hardly see keyboard

01-11-07, 23:06
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I am so sorry to hear this hun. I will keep you and her in my prayers. Please let me know if I can do anything.


I Believe That We All Will Get Better !

01-11-07, 23:12
Oh Kaz, I am so sorry to hear this mate :weep:

Thinking of you :hugs:

Lisa x

01-11-07, 23:29
Thanks Tina and Lis:hugs:

I will be soooo glad to see the back of 2007

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

01-11-07, 23:32
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Kazzie))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

2008 will be better for you I hope.

Gordon XX

02-11-07, 02:03
I'm sorry to hear that Kaz :hugs: I wish I could give you a big hug in person :hugs:

Karen xxx

02-11-07, 12:45
sorry to hear about your friend kaz, i know its hard to see someone we love watch there health failing..my thoughts and prayers our with yas all........linda
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-11-07, 14:09
Oh Kaz - just caught up on this.

Can't imagine how you must be feeling - but here's a big hug and lots of love.




02-11-07, 14:16
thinking of you kaz hun

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

jodie xx

02-11-07, 14:48
Thank You all sooooo much:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

02-11-07, 14:56
So sorry to hear about your friend Kazz.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

02-11-07, 19:38
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: hugs for you Kazz, so sorry to hear your sad news hun.


funky chick
02-11-07, 21:21
sending you hugs Kaz in my thoughts take care love Gail xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

03-11-07, 23:20
Still thinking of you mate :hugs:

Lisa x

15-11-07, 00:03
I just dunno what to do now!!!!:wacko:

Thelma has gone nuts..... I have agreed to visit her on Sat but she is being violent to everyone:lac:

I dont want to turn my back on her but she is being nasty to the non english nurses and I cannot condone racism at any cost!!!:lac:

Also she is in isolation cos she has MRSA and I have a gaping wound on my ear!!!!

What should I do????

Luv Kaz x x x

15-11-07, 00:50
Awwwwww Kazzie,

That's a hard one hun, but I do understand where you are coming from. Is it the meds making Themla this way? If thats the case then she can't help herself.

As for your ear, can you put a bandage on it?? And what have you done?? Did you fight with your mower?? Sorry, trying to cheer you up some.


15-11-07, 00:57
Hugs for you Kaz :hugs:

Will she remember that you said you will visit? I'm not sure how much of a problem the MRSA is with wounds. Perhaps you could ring the hospital and ask. Then you can see whether they advise it or not.

As to her actions it doesn't sound like she knows what she is doing. I can only imagine how hard it is for you but try to remember the real Thelma.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

15-11-07, 02:41
Hi Kaz :hugs:

I remember you saying Thelma has some brain damage - that may well account for her actions right now :shrug: I know brain damage can cause people to act very out of character. Either way she is poorly and probably not herself right now so probably acting out of character. If she was never a racist before I'm sure she isn't suddenly now so try and remember the Thelma you know and love.

Not sure on the MRSA and your wound - probably best to get some advice about that before you go.

Let us know how you get on.

Lisa x

15-11-07, 09:43
dear kazzie,sorry to be so late in picking this thread up hun..had no pc for weeks,and i am trying to catch up with folk..lord you ave had more than your fair share of sadness hun..big hugs to you:hugs: Your lovely friend will not be aware of her behaviour hun..and wont mean the things she says[make sure she has planty of fluids hun..ask her hubby to check..dehydraytion can cause these outbursts too]I dont think it is wise to enter a barrier nursing area with an open wound hun..wait until you are well..all very practical advise there hun..so now for some big hugs as you must be very sad about your friend.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-11-07, 16:51
Thanks Everyone:hugs:

I have decided not to go for now!!!

Sadly it is not the meds that are doing this seems this is the future for her now:lac:

She will not remember that I visited so seems pointless really:weep:

Its so sad:weep:

Thanks for all the support:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

16-11-07, 01:15

Lisa x

16-11-07, 13:19
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug: Im so sorry Kazz.:hugs: :hugs:

16-11-07, 13:44
Kaz, my heart goes out to you.

Life can be so cruel - but I suppose now would be a good time to dwell more on the lovely memories that you and your friend have between you.
I don't mean you should ignore the present.

You can't, as you must continue to support your friend and her husband - just try and let the thoughts of the better times take precedence over it.

Lots of love to you xxx


:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

16-11-07, 19:29
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: For you kazz hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


17-11-07, 04:41
Thinking of you Kaz :hugs:

You've done all you can for her. I realise it is hard but try to remember her as she was before all of this.

Lots of hugs for you hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Karen xx

17-11-07, 17:59
Thank You All:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-11-07, 22:10

Its official

She has days to live

She is unconcious:weep:

Not eating on a drip for fluids:lac:

She dosent recognise her hubby of 55 yrs

Not expected to last the week:weep:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-11-07, 22:53
Oh Kaz how sad :weep: I am so sorry to hear this news mate :weep:

Poor Thelma and Brian and you :hugs:Breaks my heart to think she might die not being friends with her daughter too :weep: .

I am thinking of you mate :hugs:

Lisa x

08-12-07, 16:53
Just a quick update......

Thelma is now in a coma:weep:

She is being tube fed thru a valve in her tummy:weep:

Not long now:weep:

Thank You all for your love, support and prayers:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-12-07, 16:57
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Kazzie :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dear friend :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

08-12-07, 17:09
Kazzie have a big hug from me too hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

08-12-07, 20:34

So sorry to hear your sad news hun, i would like to send you a hug too:hugs: :hugs:

Love and hugs

08-12-07, 21:43
Thank you all so much:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-12-07, 22:42
Im so sorry Kazz,you have had a really bad year sweety.Thinking of you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

08-12-07, 23:55
I'm so sorry to hear that Kaz :hugs:

Sending you lots of hugs :hugs:

Karen xx

09-12-07, 00:44

I am so sorry to hear this. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I will pray for your friend too.


09-12-07, 14:54
hugs kazzie xxxxxxx

09-12-07, 21:02
Thanks all of you:hugs:

Still waiting for the dreaded call:weep:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

05-01-08, 22:34
Hey Kazzie, been following this sad story

:hugs: I hope 2008 has been good for your so far :hugs:

Any more news tho?


06-01-08, 18:12
Hi Gemma:)

Thank you so much for asking:hugs:

Thelma is still critical but hanging on in there where there is life there is hope I guess:shrug:

Her hubby has come to terms with it better now tho bless him

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

06-01-08, 20:07
Kazzie our thoughts and prayers are with you, Thelma and her hubby :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

05-02-08, 20:26
Thought I had better finish the story:weep:

Thelma contracted c-diff and passed away at 1pm today:weep:

Rest in peace my friend:flowers:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Thank you all for the prayers and support:hugs:

05-02-08, 23:05
Aaw Kaz......loads of love and hugs to you mate.

You know your friend is at peace now - but it still hurts doesn't it?

She was truly blessed to have a friend like you - and my thoughts are with her family as well as you.


:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

xxx xxx xxx

05-02-08, 23:59
http://www.holynamesgraphics.com/images/Iris.jpg:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: