View Full Version : hi all

10-08-07, 23:25
Hi all, well I did come on here a bit a few months ago, but then things started to get better - well I wasn't having panic attacks or feeling like the anxiety was running my life.
But now, just as I am starting to get my life back on track (it all went wrong for a bit) the anxiety and panic have set back in .
And I don't really know what to do about it.
I'm having counselling and it helps to talk thourhg the issues in my life at the moment, but it doesn't seem to do much to help the anxiety and panic attachks. I will bring it up at our next session.
And when I go to my GP, well she doesn't seem to really understand. I don't think she really thinks i'm suffering maybe I don't really say what going on. But then I don't know what help she can really give. She'd be quick to try and get me back on Anti-dpressants. Which tonight I feel I might just have to give into to, becuase I can't keep feeling like this and don't know what else to do. I've been taking sleeping tablets for a year now, and they are my lifeline. As the panic sets in in the evening, I take a full dose tablet and hope that in the morning things are going to be better. But my doctor is only interested in getting me off them, even though they are my life line at the moment.
I feel very alone, I talk to my Dad, but he has alway struggled to understand my mental states, and anyway he is 1000miles away in france. Life circumstances have meant I have very few close friends that I could turn to to talk, hug or distract me.
I just hate the hold the anxiety has on me. I've been trying to read Harry Potter today, but realised it was stirring too much adrenalin in me probably aiding how I feel at the moment ,so i've had to put it down.
SO i'm typing this, waiting for the sleeping tablets to kick in. TOmorrow monring I might feel better, but what about longer term?

10-08-07, 23:57
Hello skiteacher!

Hope you don't mind but I've moved your thread from Introduce Yourself to Panic Attacks as I feel you may get a better direct response to your post from this particular forum.

I think you're wise not to rule out the prospect of meds again for a little while, just to get you focused and able to think more clearly.

I do hope you do feel better in the morning, but in the meantime please accept this 'virtual' hug !



11-08-07, 10:22
thank you GG - I had wondered where my post was! Was beginning to think I had only thought about posting.
Well I feel less panicky this morning. Just the hang over of the sleeping pills. Going to go out and do some exercise today, hopefully that will disperse some adrenalin and help me to feel better. Doesn't help that i'm on my own a lot at the moment.
So, get off here and go and do something

13-08-07, 15:39
Hi Skiteacher,

It sounds like you have a lot of good coping skills to get over it before so that's a great start. It sounds like some sort of therapy might help you in addition to counselling such as CBT which challenges your thoughts. I think you're wise to leave meds as a possibility and getting exercise is great too as it'll help you sleep.

Take care,
