View Full Version : Dots and circles

11-08-07, 01:39
Now I've had it for 8 weeks I can describe my symptoms more accurately than I did before. I know what floaters are, I've had them all my life and they never bothered me, but these are different, I want to make this clear from the otuset.

I loathe going out in the sun (or just outdoors with clouds, as long as I'm surrounded by sunlight) because I inevitably have small dark dots dart into my vision when I move my eyes. Some are small and black; others are larger and clear grey and rather cell-like in appearance. Then there's a type that's like a tiny tiny clear glass dot that catches light. These drift into my vision every minute. I can't just ignore them; they're there. You try ignoring a fly buzzing in your face.

I don't get this indoors per se, though I see occasional grey circle ones (never the black dot ones) sinking past my vision when I'm looking at light colours on the computer monitor. Of course this also happens if I'm indoors and the room's filled with sunlight if it's a really sunny day. Basically, it doesn't happen with electric light.

This happens in both eyes seperately. I can close one eye and there'll be a dot; closing the other and there are no dots, or maybe a different type of dot, so I'll see both when both eyes are open. As I say, I know what floaters are and I get bunches and strings of bright white clear cells in my right eye.

Also when I blink, in my right eye I'm seeing a sort of 'electric' weird colour cloudy squiggle thing like the imprint left after you look at a bright light, for a really quick split second when the eyelid opens.

Sorry I'm so descriptive, but you can't be vague about symptoms like this. I've seen people talking about 'sun spots' which sound like what I'm expeiencing. Anyone able to confirm this and elaborate?

11-08-07, 10:54
:) hi, i also suffer from serious floaters, which i mentioned to the optician a few years ago when they asked about my vision. i had a very lenghty eye exam, and we also mentioned that i had had light showers which sometimes turned into migraines, which i have only experienced a few times, a couple of those times my vision was so distorted/reduced that i had to stop what i was doing until it went!

i dont know but you would be best i think to speak with yur doctor if you havent already done so, and then they can start investigating or put your mind at rest.

all the best emma:winks:

11-08-07, 11:30
hi there, i have had all these symptoms with anxiety plus when i go out in a bright day i get tiny twinkling things in my vision as well as the dots and circles, they are nothing to worry about and are common with anxiety. get them checked by doctor if it makes you feel better.

14-08-07, 10:10
OH NO I GOOGLED! I've controlled myself for 2 months bt I gave in. I saw something saying floating shapes is a symptom. Omg is that me then? I also have a green cloudy thing when I close my eyes, it stays in the top right. So scared now :(

14-08-07, 14:44
:ohmy: hi boy, sorry that you are getting yourself so worked up about your visual disturbances.

the thing is i would go to the doc and put my faith in what they say, so when you tell them your symptoms and they dont immediately rush you into hospital! you accept that if the docs not worried then you dont need to be worried either.

now the thing with google is that if you dont suffer from anxiety you can look things up all day and you wont be adversely affected, so i dont agree with not googling, what i advise is googling and then moving through the panic!!!

you google to try to get reassurance that your symptoms arent life threatening? but then you read stuff that you dont like because they may mention some of your symptoms? and then you panic!!!! so what use is googling to you in the context of health anxiety it doesnt put your mind at rest it actually makes the problem worse!!!!

because i dont feel anxious anymore if i read something, i can read what i like, and if something makes me panic, well i just have the panic and then carry on.

but i dont have health anxiety although when i was younger i was terrified of illness and death, and i have kept myself awake many nights with a headache or temperature convinced i would die in the night ir be rushed to hospital unconcious!!!! i think living with somebody with cancer for 2 years finally cured me of that problem, that and the fact that i didnt know what the matter was with me then and also we didnt have the net/google!!!

anyway years later my anxiety took a turn for the worse and i bacame dependant/agoraphobic.

my advice to you is to try really hard to accept ILLNESS, you cannot escape it, if you arent ill then someone in your family could get ill, but i think alot less than you would imagine, susan jeffers says in her book that a large percentage of things we worry about never happen!!! and to prove the point i have never been into hospital with an illness - once went to have my head xrayed after i fainted and fell backwards onto a concrete floor and once for 24 hours to have my baby. but i accept that there is a probability i will be ill at some point in my life after all im not super human am i?

i hope that some of this makes sense/helps? but at the end of the day its something you will have to deal with/conqeur yourself, people can tell you stuff until they are blue in the face but if you are unable to change your mindset you will continue to frighten yourself with omages of illness and your demise!

all the best emma:winks:

15-08-07, 10:38
Ok, I saw the doctor today, all should be fine (Y)

miss motown
15-08-07, 23:11
hi ive recently been getting these floaters and lately ive noticed a bright yellow light at the side of my eye even when i close my eye its still there and very bright

18-08-07, 19:48
Dont worry I see the strangest things in my eyes. Tunnels that are moving inward, colours, floaters, blobs, dots...it's horrible but I've told I have good vision twice by 2 different options but I totally see what you're saying mate it's not nice but you're not alone!