View Full Version : Psychosomatic pains

20-07-18, 08:18
I've been reading a little about psychosomatic pain and finally after all these years of suffering I understand what's happening to me.
All my IBS symptoms have always been put down to anxiety and as soon as I see the doctor for a diagnosis (always imagining it must be something worse) I immediately feel better and the symptoms vanish.

But my mind has created all sorts of other nasty little symptoms which have recently been in the form of chest pain.

I always blamed adrenaline overload but I can see that it must be what they term psychosomatic.

I'm not sure what came first, the chest pain or the anxiety, but the one feeds the other and I get caught in that loop.
The only thing that keeps me sane is the fact that it disappears when I go to sleep and completely relax and isn't there in the morning until I start to THINK about it and anticipate it.

Is this not a lot of the problem for HA and GAD sufferers?

How do others deal with it? Is the only answer in the form of medication?
I hate to take meds but I'm beginning to get desperate to get rid of these symptoms and the anxiety they cause and vice versa.

How do others feel about this?

20-07-18, 08:48
I'd say that the fact that you are getting desperate to get rid of the symptoms just gives them more significance in your mind. Maybe just try to acknowledge the chest pain as a known anxiety symptom and let it happen without giving it too much attention?

welsh girl
20-07-18, 09:12
How right you are Pulisa I am the same as Becky Becks. and your reply was like a breath of fresh air, I think chest pain is the most worrying for HA sufferers

20-07-18, 10:11
Thank you and I'm sure you're right. It's an interesting topic isn't it.
Doctors would probably agree that a large percentage of their patients are actually suffering from this. And all they can do is send us for tests to reassure us.

24-07-18, 12:07
I'm not tech savvy like a lot of clever people on here so don't know how to do a link lol but a member here posted a link to a forum that I've found very interesting and helpful about this topic. If you search for TMS discussion forum it should come up.

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 ----------

See if this works, let me know!

24-07-18, 13:09
This is why I think it's so important to get our anxiety disorders under control, because, along with messing up and disrupting our lives, in time, I believe these psychosomatic symptoms can develop into real organic illnesses.

Your link works fine, Vicky ;)

---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

PS I don't mention the word "cure" because I don't think it exists. But anxiety can be controlled through hard work (with or without meds) and one can go into "remission" for long periods of time. If that is classed as "cured", then fine, but we also need a level of "normal/healthy" stress in life, and there is always plenty of that around, whether we like it or not :lac:

24-07-18, 13:31
I've found this website very helpful, Vicky. I've been referred for chronic pain therapy due to neuritis in my upper back but a lot of the material on here is very useful re mentally blocking out pain. My pain isn't psychosomatic but I feel it more when anxious and stressed. Thanks for the link.

24-07-18, 17:33
Yay glad the link works. Pulisa, so glad you've found it useful I am too! The research really is fascinating isn't it? XX

25-07-18, 04:35
Hey I just wanted to say I suffer from this too. My legs can get very painful and sore especially if I’m having a really bad panic attack or I’m worrying about something for a little while. Been to several doctors who put it down to anxiety or stress. Best thing to do is practice relaxation techniques and yoga. Yoga has helped me a LOT. It’s always a big relief coming out of the doctors after being told nothing is wrong. But this can quickly become a vicious cycle where one constantly needs assurance to feel okay and you need to tell yourself you’re fine and okay. Really stray away from seeking reassurance from doctors or else it will make you worse in the end hun. The forums here help me a lot and sometimes I read posts over and over again telling myself that I’m okay, it’s just my good old friend anxiety playing me up. Deep breaths and you’ll feel better (easier said than done I know).

Hope you feel better soon x