View Full Version : Racing heart or lack of

11-08-07, 15:12
for the last 16 years i have suffered panic attacks and in all that time my heart has raced only twice.
I get lead legs so i know there is adrenaline about but my heart never speeds up.

Does anyone else not have a racing heart during a pa or am i abnormal?:D .


11-08-07, 18:14
Hi Prism, I have only ever had a racing heart once in the 3 years i have suffered with anxiety, I too suffer with lead legs and a heavy body so you are not on your own mate.
love Mags xxx

13-08-07, 19:31
Hi Prism

When I started with anxiety and panic attacks I used to have a racing heart but for the last few years it never races now. If anything its the opposite and my heart feels heavy and slow, even though it isnt and my arms and legs feel numb and heavy.


19-10-07, 22:09
i also get this ive suffered panic disorder for 14 years and now i dont have the racing heart as much but my legs feel heavy all the time and i feel tired a lot, more like fatigue than sleep tired. When i have an anxiety attack instead of the fast beating heart i just feel a kind of uncomfortable anguish inside my gut and head, a feeling of pure discomfort which seems to happen for no reason whatsoever.

21-10-07, 14:08
blimey yes i do...

ive been so worried about this cos i was sure it wasnt panic.

thank you:)