View Full Version : Horrid Pmt!!!!!!!!!

11-08-07, 16:31
:mad: :mad: :mad: Iv had pmt for a few days now.I hate it:weep: :weep:
Im snapping at everyone and I hate doing it.Im not usually a horrid nasty person but its these dreaded hormones.:lac: :lac: How do other ladies cope!!!!
Im so moody my partner doesnt deserve to be picked on and snapped at.Im feeling pretty sorry for my self today,just need to off load.:wacko: :wacko:

11-08-07, 18:00
Have you tried evening primrose ? I found since having the coil with the hormone in it I havent suffered with PMT at all, maybe have a word with your doctor and see if there is anything that could help with it


Trac xx

11-08-07, 18:07
:wacko: im sorry your feeling bad ellen, i know this feeling well every month! and at the moment it is even worse as ive been struggling with my anxiety for the last 5 months so as a result of all the extra adrenaline my pms is 10 times worse than it usually is - infact id go so far as to say 100 times!!!!

i actually feel unhinged around my period now, my anxiety/panic are sky high and my emotions are all over the place. consequently i dread each period and im sure that in turn makes it worse.

i tell my self every month i will eat well and exercise very regularly, but at some point around week 2 and a half i start to lose it and by the end of week 3 im really struggling, and im just counting the days until i get my period for some relief.

so sorry but i havent got any suggestions on this one as you can see! but anyway hopefully youll feel better knowing your not alone?:blush:


12-08-07, 09:18
Hi hun just thought I would tell you about my experience, I was suffering so bad with PMT that it would make my anxiety sky high, I would cry bite my husbands head off for the slightest thing so in the end I went to see my GP.

She put a lot of my anxiety problems around my PMT and the whole hormone thing, she had a chat with some of the other doctors and they all agreed that I should have the marina coil fitted. I had it done and within 3 months I was a completely different person my PMT had all but gone things that had once got me down or in a rage no longer mattered and I found myself doing things that I had not done in quit some time.
So maybe its something to think about. :yesyes:

Love Sam

12-08-07, 12:09
Hi Ellen,
So sorry to hear you are feeling so dreadful with horrible PMT have some special :hugs: :hugs: from me.

I too have/had chronic PMT but was recommended by gp to try Evening Primrose and Vitamin B6 and have to say over the last few months things seem to have eased(fingers crossed for everyones sanity that has to put up with me) have also found taking the B6 at lunchtime seems to give me an energy boost( maybe just me)

Hope your soon feeling a little better
Brightest Angel Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

12-08-07, 14:43
I Use To Get That Real Bad I Even Scared Myself At The Time.but I Also Took Vitiam B-complex I Feel For You All I Dont Get That Bad Thing Anymore So I Dont Have To Go Thru That We Call It Here Pms.........hope You Feel Better..............linda X

12-08-07, 16:17
awww i am the same pmt drives me mad i get tummy pain angry snaping at my hubby all the time ect .
i do think linda is right vit b is good give it a try wont do no harm

love jo x

12-08-07, 22:57
Thank you everyone for all your help and support.:hugs:

12-08-07, 23:14
Got nothing usefull to add Ellen but heres a laugh for you(shows how bad I am I guess:blush: )

My son got up the other day and was sat snarling at me and hubby!!!

I said "whats up with you"

He replied "IM DUE ON"

Had to laugh!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: