View Full Version : Anxiety affecting my new job

20-07-18, 10:20
I was in my old job for 6 years really enjoyed it, was really settled had good work friends and then the company got bought out and everything changed people started leaving and suddenly I was now working for this big corporate company with hundreds of people and I just felt like had to leave as I was no longer enjoying it.
I got a new job for a well known company was really excited as this company is known for treating staff really well. On my form they asked if I had ever suffered from anixety or depression and I put no as for 7 years I had been fine and I didn’t want anyone to think that I would be in reliable.
I started the job and there are hundreds of young happy people and I suddenly felt really lonely I started to struggle being there and I started to get upset to my manager who has been supportive however it got to point where i would get slight panic attacks just trying to go into work and my manager would take me in a room and tell me to breathe and just calm me down, I then couldn’t stay and went home sick as I just felt I had to go home where it was safe.
I managed to go back to work the following week and although I need to spend the first hour crying and catching my breath in a room with my manager I got through it, my manager then suggested me going to the doctors which I did as a last resort as I was on citraplam many years ago and found it difficult to come off them and remember not feeling good on them, I was desperate so my doctor suggested a lower dose.
I have been taking the tablet for 7 days and I haven’t made it to work all week or left the house in fear of having a bad day. I can’t afford to have time off and I’m in a probation period at work so scared I’m going to lose my job over this which is now putting a strain on my relationship as my partner is upset with me because he worries I will lose my job and we be able to afford the house. I just don’t know what to do anymore I’m really lonely and scared.

20-07-18, 10:26
Hiya Kim999 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-07-18, 22:26
Hi Kim,

It sounds really difficult for you. I’ve been in a similar position when I was starting out my career. The meditation can start to work and you will gain composure. But until then, have you heard about beta blockers. They can calm you right down iand work quickly. Maybe ask you dr for some just to get you through this difficult period.

I’ve been through a difficult 6 weeks myself, and it is amazing how despite all the fear, I managed to get through meetings and work. I believe you have it in you to go back in and get through the days ahead until your citalopram starts helping you. If you get worried, focus on your breathing. Listen to the breath going in through you nose slowly, and out through you mouth along with the old worry. Like you are getting rid of the anxiety. If you decide to move jobs again, you have lots more opportunities ahead and you can get yourself better. I also recommend yoga as a way to unwind. These tools can help you get through this patch. But remember, whatever happens anxiety and panic attacks are not you fault. It’s nature and chemistry but it’s controllable.
Take care,