View Full Version : I am completely convinced i have some sort of cancer in my spine, possibly metastatsi

20-07-18, 23:47
First off ive had a deepish hip area pain, but very dull, and hasn't gotten worse. That may or may not be related. But in the past week I've had some serious symptoms, such as aching, loss of hearing, (could be from wax buildup) definite nerve pain, pins and needles, warm feelings, tingling and muscle weakness all over, especially legs, but that comes and goes, I have no appetite with nausea and ive convinced myself I have metastasized cancer that has spread throughout my pelvis possibly. I can't see a doctor right now, will have to wait till next week but I'm deathly scared , I'm not ready to die or possibly be paralyzed. I can barely eat and my legs shake when I put the weight of them on my toes :( I'm just it really scared. Haven't had back pain though

20-07-18, 23:50
It could also be anxiety.

See a doc then report back with the results

22-07-18, 09:58
I know I've personally experienced most of those symptoms while in a horrible anxiety spiral, legs feel weak, shaking, random aches, pins and needles, random pains everywhere, definitely no appetite - that one in particular happens every time I'm obsessed with potential illness, I have no motivation to eat because I'm so consumed by worry.

My point is much of your list of symptoms may be explained by the sheer level of anxiety you're functioning under. I too also have slight hearing loss in my left ear right now for no apparent reason, I'm assuming wax.

Go to the doctor for your peace of mind, but I know you will be ok :)

22-07-18, 10:41
First off ive had a deepish hip area pain, but very dull, and hasn't gotten worse. That may or may not be related. But in the past week I've had some serious symptoms, such as aching, loss of hearing, (could be from wax buildup) definite nerve pain, pins and needles, warm feelings, tingling and muscle weakness all over, especially legs, but that comes and goes, I have no appetite with nausea and ive convinced myself I have metastasized cancer that has spread throughout my pelvis possibly. I can't see a doctor right now, will have to wait till next week but I'm deathly scared , I'm not ready to die or possibly be paralyzed. I can barely eat and my legs shake when I put the weight of them on my toes :( I'm just it really scared. Haven't had back pain though

How active are you? Are you fit, do you exercise? Do you have a history of anxiety and/or depression?