View Full Version : I can't believe this

welsh girl
21-07-18, 10:14
Constant headaches
Pain in neck, shoulders, arm, almost everywhere including chest
Feeling sick.
not sleeping, one hour mostly
now feeling depressed.
How can someone feel so awful and yet Dr just saying it is HA .and not sympathetic,
Can anyone relate to this, life is getting so frightening
Looking forward to replies, I hope there will be one, feel so lonely.

21-07-18, 11:13
When the doctor says it's anxiety, that is a diagnosis. You have a condition that comes with a set of symptoms. You're not being fobbed off. The doctor is looking at the evidence and using his or her expertise to give a diagnosis. Every symptom you describe is very easily explained by anxiety.

welsh girl
21-07-18, 11:38
Thank you for your reply, I am sure you are right, but sometimes one needs reassurance,
I was in Waitrose this morning and a sudden pain shot through my left breast and took my breath away, I thought "here we go again" can't wait until monday,

21-07-18, 12:13
Are you getting any help for your anxiety? It's a treatable disorder.

21-07-18, 13:12
sometimes one needs reassurance

Everyone needs a little reassurance now and again but reassurance to a HA sufferer is like crack to an addict. It sometimes help for a little while but the fear returns or you move onto another fear and need more and more and more.

Part of healing from HA is breaking the habits associated with it (Googling, self examination, reassurance seeking etc.).

As server said, there is help. It's up to you to seek it.

Positive thoughts

21-07-18, 15:06
Are you not sleeping because of anxiety or because of the pain? Is it the worry keeping you awake or the neck pain etc?

Was the pain in Waitrose following a sudden burst of anxiety or was it responding to the cold air? When did it get better?

welsh girl
21-07-18, 16:44
Thank you fishmanpa for your post, so sensible, i never sleep very well these days, yesterday was worried about my neck pain and the concerns that go with it.
i don't usually say this but am worried that I might leave my husband on his own as he is not very well although five years younger than me,
I am told that he would cope, but I constantly worry about that.
The pain in my heart has happened before recently but today was sudden and although only lasted a couple of minutes, was very frightening,
I have narrowing of the heart arteries and told to seek medical help if out of breath or chest pain this was bad advice for a HA sufferer,
About a month ago my Husband called the Paramedics to me and they gave me an ECG which was o.k. they thought it was muscular.
I felt I had to explain my fear , than you everybody

22-07-18, 01:39
I get terrible stress headaches, I think I have one now but also think I"m having a heart attack, but it makes me eyes weird, my shoulders hurt, my neck hurts and i feel like I've got a rubber band around my head - sound familiar?!

22-07-18, 01:47
Do they not treat the narrowing with a stent?

welsh girl
22-07-18, 09:04
I was so relieved to get your reply Tan, That is exactly what it is like for me, I feel I am going mad as well as the other things I mentioned,
Tension has a lot to answer for.
Nicola, you asked the question I asked the Dr, and he said " No" in so many words.
perhaps he did not think I was young enough!

22-07-18, 21:49
i don't usually say this but am worried that I might leave my husband on his own as he is not very well although five years younger than me,
I am told that he would cope, but I constantly worry about that.

I can so understand this. My HA started after I became a mother and got this overwhelming fear of leaving my baby behind without a mother. It was a massive trigger for me. But, it's only that - a trigger, and invasive thought, not reality.