View Full Version : is it the thought that makes you anxious?

11-08-07, 20:32
Well friend just have some questions. that is it the thought that makes you anxious? or is it that the anxiety would be there anyway? i often have bizzare thoughts i know the answer to but becuase of the anxiety i feel the need to go over then and over them this can last days/ weeks. i know the thoughts are bizzare and weird but cant stop them. i get confused is it the thoughts that cause the anxiety or would it be there anyway?

11-08-07, 21:13
It's funny, because it's the thought that causes the anxiety while it's the anxiety that is usually the thing that bothers us the most.

15-08-07, 02:04
I think anxiety works in a cycle. The thoughts make the anxiety worse, but the anxiety makes the thoughts worse. Somehow we just have to stop that cycle, if I ever figure it out, ill let u know... But for now, know you are not alone in this.

15-08-07, 12:08
Its definitely a vicious circle. The Anxiety changes your ability to rationalise thoughts and feelings, which makes you more anxious, which changes your thoughts......and so on. The only way I can break it is with distraction.

I either read a book, or watch TV. Sometimes I listen to music and sing along (very badly) with it. This helps to relax my muscles and help me breathe properly instead of sitting tense. I don't even realise how tense I am until my muscles start to ache, usually in my chest and neck.

Some days its harder than others and my mind will take me back to the anxious thoughts. Then I mentally tell myself hey, don't think about that stuff, think about something different. Sometimes reading is difficult to concentrate on, and I might go online, or sit somewhere with my MP3 which has relaxation stuff on it as well as good music.

My latest is to lie in the garden on my hubby's hammock with my MP3. Wow! That is SO relaxing.

Hope these ideas help.