View Full Version : Coca cola causing brown jelly phlegm

21-07-18, 17:12
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me stop worrying about this. Sorry in advance because this is a bit gross.

So basically I drink way to much coke, I am actually trying to cut down but whenever I try to stop I end up feeling really ill, I know it's probably a caffeine addiction and I am determined to cut down eventually.

Anyway, the last few months I have noticed that when I drink a can of coke, I end up with lumps of dark brown jelly phlegm and my spit turns brown and has dark bits in it. I know it's the coke doing this but I have never noticed it before. I noticed it more today because I haven't had any for two days and I just had a can and suddenly there was this jelly piece of phlegm that was brown in my mouth, I had never seen a lump of phlegm that big before. I am just worried that the coke has affected my stomach or my throat and that there is something wrong with me. I never used to get this when I drank coke.

I am scared that it might start clogging up my throat or rotting my stomach. Does it sound like there is something wrong with me?

21-07-18, 17:32
If you only notice it after you have Cola then it seems likely that the two are linked. One thing seems clear though - stop drinking Cola. If you can go a while without and the problem goes away then it confirms your suspicions. If you are worried though you could always have a chat with your GP just to be sure. I often have issues with mucus when I eat too much fatty foods, it could be similar for you but with Cola. In the same way chocolate can tint mucus I'm sure Cola could do the same.

21-07-18, 17:45
Thanks, I know I need to stop but its hard, I never knew how addictive it could be before I tried to stop drinking it. The headaches are awful and my energy just completely disappears. I will stop eventually though and I have already cut down quite a bit, I'm just scared that it has caused some lasting damage.

21-07-18, 17:50
Yes I understand that, most of us are guilty of struggling to stop obsessions - mine is googling and icecream sundaes lol! You can't change what damage (if any) is already done, all you can do is your best to prevent any in the future which it sounds like you are doing. Your body is so much more resilient than you realise and if you treat it accordingly it is able to fix so much more than you would think :)

21-07-18, 17:55
I don't really drink coke these days but if I do I tend to get a bit of a reaction to it. Even one glass can lead to a reaction with a bit of mucus. I get the same reaction with cordials. My mucus is not usually as jelly-like or as brown as you describe but there is some brownness to it. Sometimes I need to take an antihistamine to calm this down. I'd cut the coke, drink plenty of water, and over a couple of days see if the mucus clears up. I'm sure it will but if it doesn't I would see a doctor. You've probably just developed a mild reaction to the coke.