View Full Version : Scared of contracting tetanus

22-07-18, 03:29
I know I have been postin a lot here lately and I'm sorry for that but I feel like this is one of the few places I can find ppl that understand me.

So I was outside like an hour ago playing with my dog and I realized she had a bit of like cow/horse feces on her hair which I directly (and accidentally) touched. I took her to her little house and then I went to wash my hands. Since I didn't have any antibacterial soap at the moment I just used dish soap with bleach directly onto my hands and washed them. I have a very little small cut in one of my fingers too and I'm scared bacteria have made their way through it. Am I at risk of catching something? Does anyone knows if bleach kills the bacteria? I know that I shouldn't do this but it's like I won't ever learn and I went to google to search for diseases and E. Coli and Tetanus came up. Was reading about the symptoms of tetanus and I'm terrified cause it's kinda similar to rabies just less deadly but deadly yet, i'm still scared of the symptoms. It's 22:25 in my country right now, my parents are sleeping and I just want to run to the ER and get a tetanus shot, I haven't had one since I was like 12 and that was 10 yrs ago

22-07-18, 03:43
There’s absolutely no risk. If it was this easy to catch, everyone would get it. If you were impailed by a rusty nail, then there might be a legitimate concern.

22-07-18, 04:14
There’s absolutely no risk. If it was this easy to catch, everyone would get it. If you were impailed by a rusty nail, then there might be a legitimate concern.

Omg I really hope so cause right now I can't stop thinking about tetanus symptoms and waiting for them to finally appear. Ugh I need to get help asap cause I'm just too tired of overthinking and having meltdowns for every single little thing.

Thank you so much for replying me! :yahoo:

23-07-18, 02:14
If you had a tetanus shot 10 years ago, you’re good. They last for about 10 years. Just get a booster the next time you go to the dr. You don’t have tetanus.