View Full Version : Getting new moles.....so...many....moles.

22-07-18, 05:56
So, not really freaked out or panicking as I have had a lot of moles my whole life. I mean, a LOT of moles. But lately it has grow somewhat irritating.

Lately, in the last couple years, I seem to be getting a lot of new moles. I am pushing 48, and not so much worried about the number of moles, but every skin check seem so to find a new lump, bump, or mole. None of them, except one shifty *******, seems suspicious and I drive on, getting an annual skin check with the derm. But I will admit to being very tired of finding new moles all the time. It is kind of exhausting.

Anyone else here suffer not so much with a specific mole, but rather just a sheer, large quantity of them? To be completely honest, I have so many I doubt I would really be able to check them all myself or even note changes on any of them unless it was drastic. Guess I am venting more than anything, any mole sufferers in the house?

22-07-18, 13:43
So, not really freaked out or panicking as I have had a lot of moles my whole life. I mean, a LOT of moles. But lately it has grow somewhat irritating.

Lately, in the last couple years, I seem to be getting a lot of new moles. I am pushing 48, and not so much worried about the number of moles, but every skin check seem so to find a new lump, bump, or mole. None of them, except one shifty *******, seems suspicious and I drive on, getting an annual skin check with the derm. But I will admit to being very tired of finding new moles all the time. It is kind of exhausting.

Anyone else here suffer not so much with a specific mole, but rather just a sheer, large quantity of them? To be completely honest, I have so many I doubt I would really be able to check them all myself or even note changes on any of them unless it was drastic. Guess I am venting more than anything, any mole sufferers in the house?

I've got lots like this on my back and shoulders the skin specialist says they're age spots so he zaps them (cryosurgery). Sometimes they slough of by themselves.