View Full Version : Syncope with Panic Attack

22-07-18, 10:50
Hi - All fellow sufferers of Panic Attacks - That word 'Syncope' was completely new to me when I read an article explaining Panic attacks by an America Doctor. But that condition of feeling a Panic attack coming on, and then suddenly 'falling to the floor' is an experience I have encountered many times.

Perhaps I should just explain that my first experience of Panic attack followed a long period (12 years) of suffering from vertigo from a ear condition thought to be Menier's disease. That had spoil't three holidays for myself and of course for my understanding wife, and made me very fearful of booking any further holidays.

However, a few years later, with the vertigo slowly beginning to improve, I became tempted to agree to taking another holiday. All seemed well during the days leading up to the holiday, we booked into a B&B close to the airport for the night before the flight, and were just about to watch some TV in our room when a feeling of panic began to creep into my brain. suddenly, I fell forward from the armchair in-which I was sitting and fell flat out on the floor, my arms and legs unable to support me at all, and my head and face flat against to floor. This situation lasted a little while, until I began to recover, but only with the words "Sorry love, but you will have to go without me, I just cannot go". This then being agreed, all sign's and feeling of panic left me. The following day I waved my wife off at the airport lounge. She would be visiting family at the holiday resort, so I knew that she would be taken care of.
But for me, I was left with this new experience. It has re-occurred now half a dozen times in various situations, some connected with trying out short coach trips, and another time when invited to stay overnight at a hotel before a wedding.

I visited a number GP's, but when I tell them of this type of experience they shake their heads, not offering any detailed explanation of why this could happen. I have also had CBT for anxiety, during which time I mentioned this passing out experience, but still there was no detailed explanation of why and how I could get into a state where I was simply 'falling to the floor'.
Then this morning I saw that word used, SYNCOPE', and this time actuall connected to Panic attacks, it explained how it was a fall in blood pressure to the brain, casing the brain to react and want to get down into a very low position so as to recover, that sent me crashing down.

I looked on-line to see if the NHS has any mention of it connecting it to Panic attacks, but there were none. But for me, having that explanation has given me a starting point to understanding my problem. Can I overcome these panic attacks, well that's another question, but I shall be trying, for my wife sake at least, for when she had seen me collapse to the floor, she too was frightened not knowing just what was going on.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

24-07-18, 16:55
Hi all - I thought that perhaps this little bit of additional information may well be of interest to one or two of you, it would seem as though my particular experience with Syncope might well be as a result of the side effects of the blood pressure medication that I take. I Just had not realized this connection before, it would seem a to be a rare occurrence, but important to anyone else unfortunate to have this kind of experience. Just thought I would add that. Pip78.

25-07-18, 01:00
Which blood pressure medication that you have been taking (bisoprolol, atenolol, etc.) and at what dosage? Have the syncope events been occurring only during the time you have been the medication and not prior to that? Does it happen or do you get light-headed when you rise up from a chair or bed, which is more likely to reduce blood flow to the brain?

Presumably, the medication was prescribed due to having a high blood pressure/high heart rate condition, so please DO NOT STOP taking it without checking with your GP. If you think this is the cause or has a connection, you can monitor your blood pressure regularly with a home blood pressure monitor that is not very expensive. If so, your GP who is prescribing it should have identified this also.

During panic/anxiety attacks, I think your adrenaline increases and would likely cause your heart to beat faster and harder, which would increase blood pressure.

25-07-18, 22:54
Hi WCS2222 - and many thanks for taking the trouble to reply to my posting. Fortunately, my wife being an ardent diarist, was able to look back and confirm that my first episode of syncope virtually matched my switch from Amlodipine to Losartan. When I then re-read the detailed leaflet that accompanies the tablets I could see that it has 'Syncope' listed quite high up on the list of side effects for the older person. It was just that I was not so knowledgeable as to know what syncope meant. I do take my own blood pressure at home, all with the agreement of my GP. I feel quite able to continue taking this same medication as I am on a low dose and I have tried all the others. I can experience some dizziness, say if I was to rise up quickly from a lying down position, but my experience with syncope was quite different. There was no dizziness, I was facing a situation that was likely to cause me panic, and I just fell to the floor, unable to feel anything or speak for a few moments, then recovered very quickly and felt fine immediately. I will now discuss this topic with my GP, just in-case he or she (it's a large practice) feels that I should have any special test's, just to check me out, but I must say, that for me, each syncope experience was clearly and purely connected to a panic attack situation, and so my battle with panic continues, although I do feel quite better informed. Thank you again and my best regards - Pip