View Full Version : Is anger a symptom of anxiety?

11-08-07, 23:07
Hey again.. before I start I just have to mention how helpful this place has been for me in the past few weeks. For a while there, I thought that I was going insane, or worse. I felt I was losing everything, but after calming down and remembering this cite, i realize that this is just a terrible phase, and no matter how long it takes, myself along with everyone else are able to overcome it!!

So anyhow.... since this whole anxiety issue has become an issue, I have noticed my temper becoming increasinly short. The littlest things may tick me off, make me angry or upset, or just plain annoy me. Once i start thinking about these things, I almost always end up having a panic attack. Is it just me? Have I just turned from a sweet girl into a total bitch? I didn't think it was possible. I have been with my mate for 3 years now. It has always been rocky, we have our good times and our bad, and I can't help thinking that somehow the anxiety is somehow related to our relationship.

Although he can sometimes do thinks that I know piss me off, I can't seem to realize why I let such little things get to me. It's as though I am trying to make everyone close to me hate me! I feel like I am ruining relationships that mean the world to me, and I don't know how to stop it!! I try and go out to have fun as much as I can, when I am able. At the beginning I always face it with optomism, yet I feel there's ALWAYS something that irritates me, ruining my time...

Has anyone else felt this frusterated? Am I really just a "mean girl" now, or may it have something to do with my anxiety!?


11-08-07, 23:38
Hi Manda :D

I think maybe anx plays a part in being short tempered or maybe getting older does:shrug:

I dont know how old you are but im 44 and I tend to speak my mind far more than I did say in my 20s!!!

Also I find if im feeling anx then I cant put up with things as easily as if Im feeling calm and chilled:shrug:

All the best:flowers:

Kaz x

12-08-07, 14:17
Its Hard To Say Amanda...well I Guess When We Are Stressed Sometimes We Can Just Go Off Ya Know...i Usually Dont Get Angry Unless Im Wicked Stressed Or Someone Really Had To Push Me Hard To Get To That Point.....but Good Question My Son Suffers With Some Anxiety Issues And He Has A Horrible Temper.wish Ya The Best.....linda X

13-08-07, 23:45
Hi Manda,

When you feel tired, ill, fed up and held back by your condition you are bound to feel angry. One of the main causes of true anger is actually sadness. Think back to a situation that has made you feel anger, if you dissect that event you might find that the true reason for feeling so angry was a feeling of sadness. Aggression is a normal reaction to fear also, the fight or flight response prepares us to either run or fight, sometimes to fight may seem to be the best response.

So the answer is YES, You are NOT a mean girl at all, please don't think that, this will only feed your anxiety, its far to negative.

I hope this has helped a little.

You take care