View Full Version : Cankersore now painless and still visible

22-07-18, 16:24
Hi there, 24 m hypochondriac here.

I've had a canker sore on my right tonsil for what seems to be close to 2 weeks now. Initially, it was very painful and I was smoking. Then I had a day of some drinking. When I still had pain I checked and saw a canker sore. I shrugged it off and stopped smoking AND drinking (not a big drinker anyways). However, now it's been almost 2 weeks and it is the same size, not as white and some color coming back, but painless. It is still the same size and when I touched it felt a tad puffed and painless.

Has anyone else had canker sores whose healing process has taken a while? Are canker sores suppose to be painless but still visible when it is healing? Like I said, it isn't all white/grey anymore and red is starting to fill it up, but it is the same outline and size (maybe the size of half a US penny).


22-07-18, 16:53
Are you rinsing mouth with warm salt water? That will speed up healing. Otherwise, see GP if it doesn't disappear soon.

22-07-18, 17:00
I just started doing this today actually. I'm sure I aggravated it when I smoked early on when it was coming and I have sorta poked it to see its texture.

22-07-18, 20:09
Smoking will definitely aggravate it, you said it’s not painful now which is good because it’s healing. I think because it’s on the tonsil it’s quite a difficult place to heal quickly because it’s so exposed when you are eating and drinking so everything will probably aggravate it that touches it. From what you have said it’s healing just give it a bit more time. I know that’s hard when you are worrying but what you have said sounds positive.