View Full Version : Butterflies in stomach about work, feeling scared

22-07-18, 20:44
I’m feeling very sick at the moment, at the thought of going to work tomorrow.

I started a job a year ago and my manager has never given me any praise for my work and I feel like he is jealous of me and obstructing me from progressing.

I have completed some of the companies most successful projects this year and the guy cannot even say well done. I got an email from him last week in response to a company wide congratulations just saying ‘we are good aren’t we’
It can either take it that he is taking credit for my work or he was being condescending.

Recently he has started to nit pick tiny things that I haven’t done correctly or followed procedures- I feel like it is so easy for him to pickup on negative stuff.

We have never had a 121 in 12 months and I feel like there is loads of resentment building.

I have briefly confided in another manager last week and he used the term bullying. Since he has said that, I have started to think maybe I am being bullied.

Otherwise, I can easily blame myself for being sensitive or making something out of nothing. I suffer from anxiety and it wouldn’t be the first time.

I don’t know what to do, I feel like I am very sensitive to criticism at the moment.

22-07-18, 20:49
I would start by writing it down. Then you can maybe start adding to your notes and timeline. It’ll probably help you to think clearer if you have this. If you do eventually go to HR then this would be really handy.

Did the other manager give you any advice?

I would keep doing the job that you’re obviously doing well. But try to limit your interactions with him for the time being so that you can get comfortable again.

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