View Full Version : Occasionally cloudy urine

23-07-18, 07:25
for a while now i have been experiencing occasional cloudy urine/misty without any other symptoms indicating a uti, except for a lower belly ache caused by gas and slight discomfort after peeing that spreads under the clitoris, but i’ve felt that for a while and i think it’s psychosomatic. i’ll go pee and it’ll be clear, and the next time i go it’s cloudy. i tried drinking more water, but i didn’t notice much change. i passed a urine test twice, the first time coming up cloudy and slightly contaminated (maybe because of the bacteria of the vagina since they gave me something apparent to napkins instead of the usual wet towelette) and the results for the second attempt haven’t come yet, but the pee in the cups wasn’t cloudy at all. i’m worried it’s a uti, and that it’ll spread, but i know pee changes depending of what you drank and ate.

23-07-18, 17:28
Not all UTIs will present the same way, some will be pain free.

As it is, a quick trip to urgent care (or your GP) will tell you in 5 minutes, and get you on antibiotics. Nothing at all to be scared of here (actually, it is worse to do nothing if you do have it, as it can get worse).

23-07-18, 18:02
You mentioned drinking more water. Keep trying that. I get burning any time I haven't had enough water to drink (urine is more concentrated) and occasional cloudy urine, especially in the morning, when I'm not hydrated enough. I didn't start having the burning until after my daughter was born. I went for so many UTI tests because I was certain I had one because the pain was identical. But, they were all negative. So, finally I deduced on my own that was just due to dehydration and now I always know when I haven't had enough water. Thanks, childbirth! :nonono:

24-07-18, 02:34
i cannot go to urgent care, since it takes hours before they take you in and i have no means of transportation, and i’ve already seen my doctor, who made me pass the urine test twice. i doubt my parents want to make me pass another one too, mostly since the doctor didn’t call me to give me the results, suggesting that the test is clear. i’m kinda stuck in this situation, and the fact that it’s occasionally cloudy instead of always makes me think that it’s not a uti, but rather a concentration of something in the pee. i’m still really scared and anxious though...

24-07-18, 04:21
i cannot go to urgent care, since it takes hours before they take you in and i have no means of transportation, and i’ve already seen my doctor, who made me pass the urine test twice. i doubt my parents want to make me pass another one too, mostly since the doctor didn’t call me to give me the results, suggesting that the test is clear. i’m kinda stuck in this situation, and the fact that it’s occasionally cloudy instead of always makes me think that it’s not a uti, but rather a concentration of something in the pee. i’m still really scared and anxious though...

I've been afraid of my urine in the past. Found out my cloudy urine was caused by a number of things: flukes and dehydration were the commonest reasons for it. I too was tested repeatedly for various issues that could cause it, and the tests came back clear. If your tests were clear, it's time to jot the problem down on a piece of paper and literally analyze it as an outside observer. In my experiences (although not in everyone's experiences), when I step back from a fear and take a look at the problem like a scientific observation, it eliminates a good portion of the negative thought.

29-07-18, 22:04
so my doctor called and said that she really isn’t sure if i have a uti or not, so she prescribed me something in case i do have one. but i don’t know if taking antibiotics is harmful if you don’t have anything.

29-07-18, 22:18
Honestly, look at it this way.. if she is wrong, you may want to take probiotics for a few days. If she is right, you can protect your kidney function by eliminating a UTI. Frankly, this is a case of better safe than sorry.