View Full Version : Creatinine levels (kidney function) in blood test

23-07-18, 19:06
Well I’m back again after about a 6 month period of resenable calmness and my anxiety was a fair amount better.

So.... my partner (female) Has recently started cycling,the last time she cycled was wed and by Thursday morning she had intense burning with urination stomach cramps, so we suspected a UTI, went to the docs today and he did a dipstick on her urine and was told yes it’s a urine infection....but at the beginning of the year she went to the doctors with vomiting and couldn’t eat...after a blood test it showed that her kidney function wasn’t great...creatinine was 144 and urea 8.3 they explained and put it down to dehydration but me being me phoned up in a state and said that these levels were really high etc...they said for her to go for another blood test in 6 weeks...in the few days that followed she was much better...no vomit or sickness and had been a picture of health ever since so she never went for a repeat blood test...but today it was obviously flagged up on the system that she hadn’t gone again (even though I was the one that said they were high) and he gave her another blood test form so she has to go in 2 weeks...no I’m panicking thinking it’s something dreadful...I can’t eat and I can’t calm myself down...could the stomach bug cause the high creatinine levels? She’s calm and says she feels fine just stings when she wees but I’m panicking because she’s becer got retested...sorry for the long post...I’d be grateful for any help?

26-07-23, 13:35
Dehydration, exercise, high muscle mass, eating red meat right before test can all cause high levels of creatinine.

Well wishes,
