View Full Version : Visual snow?

12-08-07, 03:36
Does anyone have visual snow 24/7 and for how long? I've had it for over a month, and I'm not sure if its a migraine w/ aura (migraines run in my family) or due to computer-eye strain! It keeps getting worse and worse! :weep: I fear I'm gong blind!

When I close my eyes I see flashing lights and distracting flashes and floaters. I cant sleep at night very well thanks to them. >_<

12-08-07, 12:37
Yea same when I close my eyes, weird abstract fuzzy stuff?

12-08-07, 14:13
Looking At The Screen On The Computer For A Long Time Straining The Eyes Can Do It I Also Suffer W/migraines But Been Much Better With Them Just Reg Headaches Latley.i Shouldnt Of Said That Lol..but Anyways Have You Had Ya Eyes Checked?if Not I Would Suggest You Have A Check Up On Ya Eyes Ya Might Need Glasses.........wish Ya The Best.....linda X

12-08-07, 15:02
Last month I had my eyes checked my an optmologist and he said that my retina is healthy. I'm going to another next week because it keeps getting worse.

I've been under a lot of stress lately and the more I look up what triggers them the more I feel it might be a presistant mirgraine aura. I've been drinking lots of caffine (sodas, coffee, tea, etc.). I always used to feel dizzy when drinking caffine now that I think about it, especially coke. I'm usually more of a water-only drinker, but this year I drank a lot of caffine drinks to give me energy. Uh oh?

And I hope I can do something if my eyes are really strained by the computer.

12-08-07, 22:01
Is probably related to the sugary drinks. I stopped drinking coke recently after drinking it regularly for years and now I hardly get any headaches/migraines (and, as far as I remember, I've only had those visual 'auras' before when getting a migraine).

I still drink coffee regularly without problems, so it's more likely to be the sugar than the caffeine.

12-08-07, 23:23
Hey, sometimes tired eyes cause 'flashes' especially if you are already tired.
i get them alot but they tend to disappear if i get a good nights sleep.


11-02-09, 02:43
My friend dont worry this happens to everybody in there life anxiety makes you notice thes things. You are fine. I went to my Opthalmologist and they said i was fine so dont worry

25-03-09, 00:25
I have had visual snow all my life....and it does indeed look like sgtatic on a tv screen ....and yes i have it 24 hours a day and have since i can remember...there are sites that can give you alot of info on the c ondition...and it is a real condition...the others that left post saying they see spots sometimes and things of the sort do not have vs....vs is not a sometimes thing is an all the time thing..24/7 eyes open or closed....and others that say dont worry u may just have had a bad day also are un eduacated in regards to vs.....its one of those things u have to have in order to understand it..and if someone does not have it they tend to write it off quite easily..im sorry for the vague post but i am busy...will be in touch.

02-04-09, 00:47
I have 24/7 visual snow too, hate to depress you here but I have had it for 11 years now. As the previous poster says, it is not a come and go thing, it is a constant issue. When describing to doctors I always say it is like looking through a sieve or pair of tights pulled tight. Looking to the sky is often very depressing as it is just a dark fuzzy mess, I also find it hard to make out the stars at night. White walls are black and fuzzy, even though I can see through the fuzz.

When you went to see the eye doctor, did they put you on one of those visual field machines ? When I looked in one it got darker and darker the more the test went on, until my entire eyesight was blackened.

The good news is if you have the same as me you are not going blind, the bad news is IF you have the same as me I still have it. But if you find out any way to get rid of it then please let me know. I suffer from GAD so if the symptoms are linked maybe we can find out a solution together. I haven't been on any tablets so don't know if there is a easy simple cure. Just been to the eye doctor, and brain scan, no diagnostic results though.

On this test : http://www.hkj.se/vs.html my simulation is "approx 20% on band 3". What is yours ?

06-05-11, 21:20
I realise this topic is old-but I have literally only just discovered that not everyone sees like this (static and grainy like). I was discussing vision with my friend and she turned to me and said that it isnt normal to see everything fuzzy and sort of like an old film-has anyone had any solutions to this-i do get migraines but the vision thing seems to be getting worse-and ive just started a job which involves staring at a computer screen all day so i was hoping someone knows of a solution or a cause??

27-11-11, 05:31
I just wondered, has anyone here done LSD ? I did when I was a teenager before this happened. If others have here, I wondered it could be linked ? Although my eyesight is not like LSD, it is just grainy and fuzzy, so it doesn't quite match LSD effects.