View Full Version : Hands and fingers

24-07-18, 01:27
Lately my fingers twitch off and on all the time. I can feel some trembling in the hand, and then a finger (any) will just twitch up and down or side to side. I have had a very stressful few weeks with my job and car accident, but my fingers don't usually dance around all the time (it used to be a few here and there). I can be sitting and playing on my laptop, or working (im a chef so I use my hands all day), or playing on my phone and my hand will get a jolt or a finger will move.

Also, does it matter if fingers twitch side to side or up and down?

24-07-18, 04:26
This can be caused by so many non-serious things.

Of course, if you are concerned, book an appointment with your doctor. But if they're unconcerned, then you can be too.

My hands (and eyes) constantly twitch. I'm an avid video gamer, baker, writer, and digital marketer, so all of those tasks really put a lot of strain on my hands.

Stress, can also cause it. I notice my body twitches more when my baseline anxiety levels are higher. Heck, it just happened today. I have exercise-induced anxiety, and I went out on a bike ride to expose myself to an elevated heart rate. Mid-way through, I had a panic attack, and for about two hours after, my fingertips were twitching up and down.