View Full Version : do brain tumor symptoms flare up?

24-07-18, 05:10
First of all in not sure if the symptoms ive been having are caused by stress from anxiety of milder symptoms i was having earlier on or if these are real symptoms. I managed to bring a feeling of peace and euphoria when I told myself everything will be ok and it was all in my head. But then the same symptoms i had the night before came back, almost like an anxiety attack. First ill explain how I got to the symptoms i am having now. Started a little over a week ago when I was worried I had a UTI or a kidney issue. My hearing also got very dull which wasn't a surprise to me as I struggle with wax buildup, but I couldn't hear people speaking to me, constantly had to ask what they were saying. The UTI didn't seem to be the problem but this lead me into more symptoms like nerve damage which was felt all over my hands and legs. I also have felt weak in my groin area. I convinced myself that was a spinal tumor thanks to good ol you guessed it... Dr. Google. After this I started to get things like appetite loss and waves of nausea (and ive also lost a good amount of weight from just not eating that much in the past few days) which really happen during the head pressure peisodes, limb weakness which gets severe sometimes, and a general just fatigue, which at this point may have been started to be caused by stress. After non stop googling the idea of a brain tumor popped in my head. Brushed it off but now it seems very disturbingly real and plausible. I was in panic for days and kept waking up at night, which I am and strange hours and have been getting terrible sleep. I'd wake up and go straight to Google. So a few nights pass like this and things feel like they're getting progressively worse... I start to have these sort of episodes where I get weak legs and limbs and numbness, tremors and shakes, dizziness and vertigo, I didn't feel the slightest bit good but last night was by far my worst episode. I just paced and paced and suddenly started to get this intense pressure in my head and it happened for a good 5 mins and one of my ears popped! It was insane! It was the most clear thing ive ever heard. But my right ear is still dull sounding. The pressure remained for a while and I mainly felt it around the eyes but more so on the eye on the side of my affected ear is... Which is alarming to say the least. I also feel confused and disoriented during these sort of flare ups. The pressure thing lasted almost all night but wasn't as severe. I noticed when I look to the left or right or up or down I see black spots and get dizzy, and its just hard to do that. It feels like I have to strain my eyes. But when I'm having an episode looking around causes nausea and this is usually when my face is numb and I'm having limb weakness. So anyways after waking up at 5 am I went straight to Google and somehow came scross this video about health anxiety and this was while I was having a pretty bad pressure flare up. Wstched the video about people making up symptoms due to anxiety and I don't know if it was coincidence but I started to feel better. In fact I felt like a million bucks, besides for being super tired. This wasn't the first time this happened, a day before I read about someone having the same symptoms as me when they were more mild and I felt better. I felt pretty good until later today when I got another flare up and it was pretty intense. I just got done eating and got very irratble for whatever reason, and I was walking into a store and it happened again. Tingles, tremors, shakiness, burning and general weakness, especially in my face, Which makes it hard to make facial expressions without looking odd. I then started to feel the pressure again and thought I was experiencing something called intercranial pressure problems so went to a mirror in the store I was at to examine my eyes and my eyes looked a little bloodshot which could be from lack of sleep to maybe allergies. Got back home in a panic the whole way back with nausea spells and everything I mentioned above and the pressure was intense and I kept examining my eyes. I felt like i was gonna pass out. I had a hard time reading stuff online and kept reading things over and over and had blurry vision. I tried to convince myself it was in my head but it wasn't working. I now feel much more grounded as of now, except for the slight tremors and weakness in my grip and dealing with small objects which has stayed. My god this is long as shit. If you have the initiative and interest to read all of this props to you. So basically as you can see im pretty concerned and I'm guessing i should start with a primary care checkup and see of he refers me to get an MRI... Which I hope not. Anyway just sharing my experiences, hopefully this will create some kind of support for people who sre experienceing something similar or can give me an idea if this seems serious or not. Thanks

26-07-18, 19:20
When I was getting crazy about MS and brain tumors, I learned few things from a great neurologist and head of brain tumor board (Gosh, I have met every cancer expert in the country!!!...so embarrassing). If brain tumor, or MS for that matter, a patient will NOT have normal neurological exam. So you don't really need an MRI to rule it out. One great neuro exam is enough to reassure the dr (not you, you have HA hahaa!!!) that you don't have brain tumor.
In addition, I know few people with brain tumors...there seems to be two presentations...one is seizures (real ones, not I feel I will faint), or slurred speech, unable to talk in cognitive way.
I hope this helps.
It sounds like classic HA to me, but you need to find a way to get out of the black hole. I usually need an MRI or scan to do that, but I am trying really hard to break that nasty pattern.

26-07-18, 20:26
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

27-07-18, 19:14
When I was getting crazy about MS and brain tumors, I learned few things from a great neurologist and head of brain tumor board (Gosh, I have met every cancer expert in the country!!!...so embarrassing). If brain tumor, or MS for that matter, a patient will NOT have normal neurological exam. So you don't really need an MRI to rule it out. One great neuro exam is enough to reassure the dr (not you, you have HA hahaa!!!) that you don't have brain tumor.
In addition, I know few people with brain tumors...there seems to be two presentations...one is seizures (real ones, not I feel I will faint), or slurred speech, unable to talk in cognitive way.
I hope this helps.
It sounds like classic HA to me, but you need to find a way to get out of the black hole. I usually need an MRI or scan to do that, but I am trying really hard to break that nasty pattern.
Black hole is a perfect way to describe it :( visited my GP and he seemed more concerned about how frantic I was acting and said I should seek counselling, which I will definitely do, as this is no way to live. High BP, headaches, losing a lot of weight from not eating, the aftermath of it all (after I convince myself im not dying) just leaves me really depressed and hopeless. Anyways thank you for the reply, means a lot. Best of luck to you :)