View Full Version : Chronic cough

24-07-18, 12:50
Hi all

Been looking for answers for the last 2 years with regards to coughing.....yes coughing...

Been treated for Asthma, its not that
Been treated for Allergies, its not that
Been treated for PND, its not that
Had so many lung function tests....normal, on the border of slightly low...

Had a few chest xrays, normal

Been to see a Respiratory consultant, they said its pet allergies & a hyper sensitive airways dysfunction.

I cough during my sleep, waking myself up.

I do not know where to turn, fear is lung cancer!

24-07-18, 12:55
Been treated for Asthma, its not that
Been treated for Allergies, its not that
Been treated for PND, its not that
Had so many lung function tests....normal, on the border of slightly low...

Had a few chest xrays, normal

Been to see a Respiratory consultant, they said its pet allergies & a hyper sensitive airways dysfunction.

I do not know where to turn

Seems there is a diagnosis of pet allergies and sensitive airways. What was discussed to treat it?

Popsitive thoughts

24-07-18, 15:57
He said I needed to keep the cats out of the bedroom which I have done and I need to use my blue inhaler which I do but the cough is chronic.

I am very worried its lung cancer for 2 years undetected!

24-07-18, 16:40
Do you suffer with reflux/GERD?

24-07-18, 17:04
Forgot to mention that one - had lanzoprazole for 5 months, still coughed even sleeping on an incline

24-07-18, 17:50
That's what the cough will be then. It's a major symptom of reflux.

Try apple cider vinegar instead. More or less cleared up my reflux. Get a good one with 'Mother' in it. Obviously it won't cure a crap diet, so make sure all that's in order too.

I had a bad week of eating last week (busy, had a few takeaways) and my reflux came back. And then so did my cough.

PPI's aren't the best solution tbh.

25-07-18, 08:52
I am scared its lung cancer to be very honest!!!

How do I take the apple cider vinegar and do I take it before I go to bed?


25-07-18, 11:27
I am scared its lung cancer to be very honest!

No, if you've had it for 2 years and coughing is the only symptom then it's NOT lung cancer.

Allergies and dryness can cause coughing and so can anxiety (well it can with me). I've tried various things over the years. I had a chest x-ray last year and it was clear. It does take me ages to get over colds especially sinus infections, so that's likely to be the main cause.

25-07-18, 12:55
I am scared its lung cancer to be very honest!!!

Been treated for Asthma, its not that
Been treated for Allergies, its not that
Been treated for PND, its not that
Had so many lung function tests....normal, on the border of slightly low...

Had a few chest xrays, normal

Been to see a Respiratory consultant, they said its pet allergies & a hyper sensitive airways dysfunction.

Reflux can aggravate things too.

Positive thoughts

25-07-18, 14:03
I am scared its lung cancer to be very honest!!!

How do I take the apple cider vinegar and do I take it before I go to bed?


My main specific symptom from reflux was a persistent, hacking cough.

When my reflux subsides, the cough goes away. If I eat crap food for a couple of days and the reflux comes back, the cough comes back, usually for a few weeks.

Reflux aggravates the airwaves BIG time, producing a cough.

And as has been mentioned, if you had lung cancer you'd already be (very) dead.

I take ACV twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. I use abotu a tablespoon diluted in a small glass of water.

Reflux isn't actually a response to too much stomach acid, rather too little. When you have too little stomach acid your stomach valve doesn't close properly and therefore lets acid rise into your airways. Drinking ACV increases stomach acid, and the valve closes. As long as you're careful with your diet (as all reflux sufferers should be) the ACV should sort it out.

I would talk to your Doctor about it before taking it if you're still taking PPI's though. And personally I would come off the PPI's as soon as possible.

25-07-18, 16:30
No, if you've had it for 2 years and coughing is the only symptom then it's NOT lung cancer.

Allergies and dryness can cause coughing and so can anxiety (well it can with me). I've tried various things over the years. I had a chest x-ray last year and it was clear. It does take me ages to get over colds especially sinus infections, so that's likely to be the main cause.

Thank you - just worrying like crazy as had it for so long.

---------- Post added at 16:30 ---------- Previous post was at 16:28 ----------

My main specific symptom from reflux was a persistent, hacking cough.

When my reflux subsides, the cough goes away. If I eat crap food for a couple of days and the reflux comes back, the cough comes back, usually for a few weeks.

Reflux aggravates the airwaves BIG time, producing a cough.

And as has been mentioned, if you had lung cancer you'd already be (very) dead.

I take ACV twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. I use abotu a tablespoon diluted in a small glass of water.

Reflux isn't actually a response to too much stomach acid, rather too little. When you have too little stomach acid your stomach valve doesn't close properly and therefore lets acid rise into your airways. Drinking ACV increases stomach acid, and the valve closes. As long as you're careful with your diet (as all reflux sufferers should be) the ACV should sort it out.

I would talk to your Doctor about it before taking it if you're still taking PPI's though. And personally I would come off the PPI's as soon as possible.

I have not been on PPI's for about 7 months now and the cough is still the same so its done zero for me!

I am going to get some ACV tonight and have a go at it and see if that changes anything, if not....back to the Dr

25-07-18, 17:35
Just make sure you get a good ACV with the 'Mother' bacteria in it.

A normal generic brand like Aspell's won't be any good.

I get this one from Ocado but there will be alternatives in health food shops etc.


Give it a week or two to work, and keep an eye on your diet. Too much red meat does it for me, always kicks me back into reflux.

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:59 ----------

I forgot to add I also do intermittent fasting where I don't eat past about 9pm and then don't eat again until about 1pm the next day (16 hour daily fast).

It's done wonders for my digestion and goes a long way towards eliminating reflux.

It took about 2 weeks to get used to, but now it's second nature.

26-07-18, 12:45
Thanks for that - I will get some ACV and see what it does, not convinced its reflux....but will give anything a go right now

26-07-18, 13:14

30-07-18, 10:45
Thanks for the link - I have tried Apple cider vinegar last night and I woke myself up coughing...... same for the whole weekend - convinced I have advanced or just lingering lung cancer for the past year at least!!!

03-08-18, 15:29
ACV doesn't work immediately, you have to give it time.

You also need to stop thinking about lung cancer. You WOULD be already dead if you had it.

I have posted a link that categorically states that chronic cough is a very common symptom of reflux, which you have.

06-08-18, 10:19
ACV doesn't work immediately, you have to give it time.

You also need to stop thinking about lung cancer. You WOULD be already dead if you had it.

I have posted a link that categorically states that chronic cough is a very common symptom of reflux, which you have.

I saw your link and read it thank you, sounds like me lol....
I have started using my brown preventer inhaler morning and night and seems the cough has calmed down by about 50% so holding thumbs it goes away all together - I am going to start using the ACV again - you right lung cancer is aggressive right?

15-08-18, 09:09
I went back to the GP yesterday - he has ordered some blood tests to do with allergy checking, the Dr reckons it is allergies but we need facts and evidence, he said if my allergy bloods come back normal then we do a CT scan on my lungs :( He gave me another inhaler, seems to help during the day but still coughing & waking myself up at night (like I did last night even with the new inhaler!)

16-08-18, 22:26
Whatever it is, it is definitely not lung cancer after two years. I guess you are not a smoker as well?

If you are, stop smoking...

17-08-18, 11:26
Hi there

Unfortunately I am a smoker - yes I will stop, I have an e-cig arriving this weekend.

17-08-18, 12:13
That is smart decision.

Being hypochondria, the least you can do for yourself is to live healthy lifestyle, meaning,earing healthy, no alcohol, smoking and a lot of exercise.
By doing that you reduce your chances of getting ill and that is the most you can do.

17-08-18, 12:42
Unfortunately I am a smoker - yes I will stop, I have an e-cig arriving this weekend.

Come on really?

Surely that's the first thing you'd mention in a thread like this and the first thing you'd stop if you're worried about it?:shrug:

There's nothing that would improve your health more than not smoking.

17-08-18, 14:36
Come on really?

Surely that's the first thing you'd mention in a thread like this and the first thing you'd stop if you're worried about it?:shrug:

There's nothing that would improve your health more than not smoking.

Oh well I am sorry for not disclosing the fact that I do indeed smoke! GEEZ give me a break will you! Are you a smoker, have you tried?

I am fully aware of that.......THANKS :emot-rolleyes:

17-08-18, 17:08
Oh well I am sorry for not disclosing the fact that I do indeed smoke! GEEZ give me a break will you! Are you a smoker, have you tried?

I am fully aware of that.......THANKS :emot-rolleyes:

It's obvious that if you smoke, and are worried about a chronic cough that you'd mention it when asking advice.

And yes, I used to smoke. A lot.

When my partner became pregnant with our first kid I gave up, period. Yes it's hard, but it's one of those things you just have to do.

17-08-18, 17:30
It's obvious that if you smoke, and are worried about a chronic cough that you'd mention it when asking advice.

And yes, I used to smoke. A lot.

When my partner became pregnant with our first kid I gave up, period. Yes it's hard, but it's one of those things you just have to do.

Thats good

17-08-18, 17:48
lmao, people are bending over backwards to offer causes and solutions for your cough and, oops, you forgot to mention smoking. That's like posting about a daily morning headache and neglecting to mention you drink a six-pack each night before retiring smdh

17-08-18, 20:31
You’re being very defensive about something that actually would help to stop the coughing. Does your GP not mention it?

I get it ok, I smoked for a long time and I stopped 6 years ago. It was easier than I thought, and it was still hard.
I was also under immense pressure and stress at the time, but I took it an hour at a time and I’m so proud of myself. Try it, you’ll feel better.
I’ve heard that ecigs aren’t great for asthmatics...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-08-18, 09:08
You’re being very defensive about something that actually would help to stop the coughing. Does your GP not mention it?

I get it ok, I smoked for a long time and I stopped 6 years ago. It was easier than I thought, and it was still hard.
I was also under immense pressure and stress at the time, but I took it an hour at a time and I’m so proud of myself. Try it, you’ll feel better.
I’ve heard that ecigs aren’t great for asthmatics...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not very defensive at all - criticism is not healthy either! BTW smoking was mentioned in previous post!

---------- Post added at 09:08 ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 ----------

lmao, people are bending over backwards to offer causes and solutions for your cough and, oops, you forgot to mention smoking. That's like posting about a daily morning headache and neglecting to mention you drink a six-pack each night before retiring smdh

Do you have any positive comments are you bashing like the rest!

20-08-18, 10:40
Sometimes criticism can be used as a reality check.

Nobody here is out to hurt your feelings, but in a thread about a chronic cough that excludes vital information about the person in question having a smoking habit, it's pretty easy for people trying to help to deduce that the person in question either doesn't want to quit, or is in some kind of denial.

Quit smoking first (and personally I wouldn't start vaping either), and then everything else will probably fall into place.

All other advice is mostly pointless if you still continue to inhale smoke or vape.