View Full Version : Does PCOS increase the risk of ovarian cancer,?

24-07-18, 15:57
Hi! I'm 22 yrs old, 23 in two months and I was diagnosed with PCOS at 17 years old because of my acne problem. I don't think I have like irregular periods as I have heard about other women with PCOS missing their periods for months. That has never happened to me thank God, but yeah my period can sometimes be delayed for up to a week, I guess that's pretty normal idk.

When I get my period I have dysmenorrea, very painful periods that make me throw up until I vomit my bile out! It is the first day always, and sometimes I have to go to ER to receive analgesics Electrolites IV.

I am a health anxiety sufferer, and since last year I'm getting sharp shooting pain on my pelvis. This pain isn't constant only has happened twice during this year and would only last seconds for up to an hour. Also I get sharp pain on my lower back and my periods are very painful most of the time. I have never been treated for PCOS. My doctor at that moment did prescribe me the pill but my famlily didn't buy it cause they thought I was gonna mess around and I'm 22 and haven't had sex yet.

My other symptoms are:
-Bloated belly (but thsi could be due to the fact I gained like 20 pounds in the last two years, but since I'm 1.73 and I weigh 140 pounds my belly is the most noticeable)
-Low back pain like I'm on my period. It's not constant either, but the last three days it's been 24/7, but as I said I very stressed because of my health anxiety.
-Hunger pains
-Leg cramps

I read in many articles that women with PCOS have an increased risk of getting ovarian cancer and that terrifies me! I don't have any ginaecogical cancer history from either of my parents side. My grandma is 84, mama is 61 and they're strong as an ox and healthy. Also in my country is not very "common" as in industrialized countries and for my age I guess it'd be even rarer but I'm so very scared ot could be ovarian cancer and I keep reading stories of young women being diagnosed with that cancer and I bee thinking I have i, that I'm one of the 1% of young women who get it. And since I have health anxiety I'm scared they will find something :(