View Full Version : Should I Say Or Not ?

24-07-18, 19:42
Hi seeing a Mental Worker at 9.30am tomorrow from the Access Assessment team.
It's a bundle of things that's , making me not sleep too well and making my moods all over place :weep:
One aspect that is getting me on top of me is the environment in the block of flats I live in as a couple of residents due their lifestyle they regularly each day slam the communal door shut even at 2am , despite the council housing have written to people in the block to not bang doors , not smoke in the communal area and be respectful of other residents live in the block too....Yet housing gets ignored.....
When I ruminate my thoughts end up as urges to want to start banging them against the door etc even banging door shut with their head in the door frame.

I want to share this with the Mental Health Worker but I'm anxious as to if I should ! Would I been classed as a danger to another and so get put in hospital ? Being in hospital would be suitable as I know my wife would still be at home and I would be worrying more for her then ! I don't know what to !

Any comments are welcome and I accept nobody can tell me to share it or not to with the worker !

Or would the worker just liaise with the housing in hope the housing will take a more serious approach ?

24-07-18, 20:02
You would not be classed as a danger and if these things are bothering you, you should tell your Mental Health Worker

24-07-18, 20:26
Common, no doubts you should share it with your mental health worker. It's totally ok to be irritated by things like that, and nobody is going to put you in the hospital for that.

24-07-18, 23:07
I personally find this part of seeing a mental health worker uncomfortable. If it was me I would describe how angry these people make me, how much they annoy me, and how much I'd like to go and confront them and give them a piece of my mind. I personally would steer clear from describing any specific violent things you want to do to them, unless you think a likelihood of violence is a real problem for you. Otherwise I think simply saying in general terms that you feel anger and rage about what they are doing to be enough.

25-07-18, 05:07
You're allowed to have violent thoughts, just like every other human being on the planet. Realising that you have these thoughts and choosing NOT to act on them shows you're in control. A qualified mental health worker wouldnt be concerned.

25-07-18, 10:03
You're allowed to have violent thoughts, just like every other human being on the planet. Realising that you have these thoughts and choosing NOT to act on them shows you're in control. A qualified mental health worker wouldnt be concerned.

Exactly. To determine someone to be a danger for the purposes of sectioning is going to mean proving they don't have this capacity. Otherwise it's a matter of reporting anyone, outside of sectioning, where someone indicates to you their intention to commit a crime and this won't be "my neighbour gets on my nerves if he does it again I may give him a smack" as there is nothing the police can really do unless it's a serious threat.

Otherwise we would need hospitals & prisons so large it would make more sense to get Trump to build us a wall around the UK :biggrin: