View Full Version : Scared of Leukemia, please help

24-07-18, 22:01
Hey guys, i'm back unfortunately.

Hope someone can ease my mind as i refuse to research on the internet about this.
So, a few days ago i started getting alot of bruises, fingertip sized on my legs, alot of them about 8. they are all fading now, and today i went to the hospital for a UTI which im now on antibiotics because of it. the doctor performed blood tests aswell and told me i have anemia.

Now im really really scared, could they find leukemia based on blood tests? I suspect the bruises may be due to cross fit, as im starting to workout again and i've been working really hard, but i'm not quite sure and everything together looks alot like Leukemia...i don't think i have any other symptoms but again i don't know alot about the symptoms since i refuse to research it.

any help would be great.
Thank you so much guys

25-07-18, 21:34
Please help 🙁

25-07-18, 21:36
Blood test is EXACTLY how leukemia is diagnosed.

25-07-18, 21:40
There are a great deal more noticeable symptoms of Leukemia as opposed to bruises which are as you say yourself, attributable to something else I.e. CrossFit. Routine bloods would most likely flag up any issues in your white cell count so if they were fine it is very unlikely you have anything to worry about.