View Full Version : I have asthma

25-07-18, 22:21
I found out today that I have asthma. I'm not as freaked out as I thought I would be. I credit this very supportive forum for that. I have spent the last 6 plus months complaining about my breathing. When you have anxiety a lot gets dismissed to anxiety. I am glad I found a doctor who listened to me about my anxiety and my symptoms.

25-07-18, 22:50
Ok, sorry about that.
Do you have an asthma plan, and do you understand your medication? I bet now you’re on medication you’ll feel so much better.
A huge thing about asthma is the need to stay relaxed!

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26-07-18, 01:57
That's what the dr. said. He suggested I take a yoga class and/or meditation. I would like to take yoga. Thank you for the reply. I can't say that I understand asthma or my medicine that well. I'm kind of afraid to learn too much about it for fear I may scare myself.

26-07-18, 08:20
I understand that.
Do you have a peak flow meter?

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26-07-18, 16:38
I do not have a peak flow reader. I go back in two weeks for another spirometry test. My primary did the original test and said I did not have asthma. This doctor, the allergist, looked at the results and said it looks like asthma. He wants to do his own test, though. I am also being tested for allergies. so far everything has come up negative for the allergies. My primary who did the original spirometry is a physician's assistant. When she read the results she said it doesn't look like asthma but something is constricting your breathing. She said it could be allergies which is why I went to the allergist.