View Full Version : TW: Vomiting

25-07-18, 23:56
So, like many people I'm on simmer leave right now. Tonight we went out to a nice restaurant, yet clearly something didn't agree with me. I spent the last 15 mi Tues vomiting into the toilet.

All day I've been feeling kinda off, I put it down to not drinking enough water and my up. Coming period mixed in with the very, very warm weather here. Basically what's got me kinda worried is that the vomit at first was... Normal vomit I guess? But the more (tmi) it came out, the more strangely it became more watery and what's freaked me out was how it became more red/orangey in tone. So my mind jumped to something horrible like blood.

I do have acid issues, so I can put that down to the burning. I did have red cabbage in the meal that made me sick and my reasonable mind is trying to tell me that's the issue yet I'm a bit more on edge right now. Everyone's asleep and I don't dare turn to google.

26-07-18, 00:23
Sounds normal to me with being sick

26-07-18, 02:28
Once you have cleared all the foodstuff in your stomach, the only thing left to come up will be the acid and digestive juices, which will tend to be more yellow/orange. Right now, just keep drinking water or gatorade (but not red or blue.. just light colors like the white, green or yellow), and just keep an eye on your body. And beyond that... get any rest that you can.

28-07-18, 00:45
@nomorepanic and @shadowhawk thank you both so much for the reply! Sorry I'm only getting a chance to go online again now and read this. Clearly... It wasn't anything to serious as I'm still here!! The real curse is being in a country overly hot while on the worst period (tmi) in some time! Just laying in front of the fan and hoping these pain meds kick in sooner rather than later! Thank you again for the reply