View Full Version : no more Google

12-08-07, 11:48
After posting on the thread for anxiety sufferers and reading all the things I fear,I have decided not to Google any more No more net Doctor,or Patient Uk or any medical site where the sore breasts at my age mean I have something sinister Where the aches and pains round my back and chest are really a heart attack as women get different symptoms from men.I have got my hbp down to 116/62 and have decided to cut down and stop the Ramipril. I will still monitor the HBP and if it goes back up I will go back to the docs and see if there is another drug which doesnt make you cough,and feel anxious, as I think they are a lot to blame.
I was hoping to find someone post menopause who was having sore breasts,which I think are coming from thoracic nerves in my back,but after googling and joining a few sites such as this one,it was mostly younger women and it came and went every month. That made me even more anxious as I thought This must be sinister,no one else of my age gets this.We all get aches and pains as we get older,and I can cope with muscular pains or stiff joints,but I can't sit for any length of time in the car and this is getting me down as I live 25 miles from my daughter and grandchildren.Also we have had to cancel our coach holiday,as the pain in my chest,breasts and leg is getting worse.Anxiety? I hope so,because if there is no real physical cause,then I hope I can start to think positively and things will improve.
I will,of course, keep on coming on this site,and hope that maybe someone has the same symptoms or can reassure me that it will get better.

12-08-07, 15:43
Well done on stopping googling. :)

I've had a bad time this week with thinking pains can't be 'just' anxiety based and the temptation to google is bad. I think I'm going to have to stop reading the paper it's always full of ill people! I've been sitting here wondering if my tongue was numb after reading an article about someone who was ill where that was a symptom.

12-08-07, 15:57
hi Jean

Well done you for deciding not to google !!:yesyes: :yesyes:

I know its hard, i must admit i used to google symptoms myself but if i had taken notice of everything i had read i would have had every disease going !!:ohmy: lol

good on you hun !!


12-08-07, 17:56

Good on ya. Dont google it's the worst thing you can do. You will talk youself into symptoms. (been there). I dont read news paper stories or mags about ill people as I convince myself that I am next.......Work hard we will all get over this together.


12-08-07, 21:57

well done on the google. Have you thought about taking evening primrose oil for the sore boobs, brilliant stuff,

anx xx

13-08-07, 09:21

Really pleased to hear that your not googling, it is so evil, im on a complete ban as it used to make me really ill ,as i had every disease you could possibly mention............good advice form anxious about the evening primrose oil it really does help.

take care xx

13-08-07, 09:26
Hi all,
I tried the Evening primrose oil,but didnt help The doc said I would need to take 4 of those 1000 mg capsules every day to have any effect and if it is nerves then that wont cure it. I asked for a mammogram but they don't do mammograms for pain apparantly.I think my last one was 2 years ago,but such a lot has happened in the last 2 years ,like moving house and changing doctors,that I cant remember. I have to phone the screening centre and they will tell me.
A couple of times over the last 2 weeks I have the feeling of something stuck in my throat. I blamed it on a cream cracker that I had eaten earlier,but it came back again last night,and I hadnt eaten anything like that. I went in to the Patient Uk site(I know I know,but it isnt google),and read a lot of comments from people who have the same. With some its a feeling of a lump,but mine is more like a piece of biscuit or a hair or something. So something else for me to worry about today It went away when I went to bed last night,but I have been swallowing like mad all morning and I think its coming back.
So now I have sore back,boobs and leg. Bread,rice and potatoes have to be washed down with water when I eat or they seem to stick and now I have something at the back of my throat.My BP will be going up again after getting it down and trying to cut out the medication.
I wish I could have a day when I didnt worry about my health.It's really getting me down now and the stress is going to make things worse.
Wish I could practise what I preach and listen to my own signature at the bottom of this

13-08-07, 11:38
Hi Jean,

have you tried doing a search here on the forum for your symptoms. I put 'feels like hair stuck in throat' and came up with at tleast two threads with people saying they got these symptoms (don't know how to show the threads to you though ) It appears to be a very common anxiety symptom.

anx xx

13-08-07, 12:33
Google is so bad - yet sort of addictive we are always looking for answers and reaasurance yet it invariably caused more questions and concerns.

I am gonna try my best to steer clear of it, after scaring ,myself half to death last week that I had an acute illness and death was imminent! Apparently according to the doc this morning there is nothing wrong with me. Another week of my life ruined and wasted with extreme worry!

The problem with google is that there are always lots of conditions that your symptoms could be attributed to but most of the articles do not say how likely you are to have a particular condtion (e.g as a 33 yr old women the thing you are worried you have actually normally only happens to men in their 70s with gout etc! but the article does not say this and therefore you think you have it )

Only the Docs can really diagnose you as they have the experience to assess
what is the most likely cause of your symptoms.

What I have worried about all week is apparently according to my doctor only likely to occur for people who are very sick, like with leukemia.

Good luck steer clear of google and ask the Docs instead.

I'll try and stay off it with you!!

Greeneyed xx