View Full Version : Tingling cheek

12-08-07, 11:56
I have had a tingling cheek over the last day or so - the day before I was on the bus for about 30 minutes with the sun blazing through the window onto that side of the my face - but I though that you can't get sunburn through glass - my cheek isn't red at all, it is just this annoying tight tingling feeling

agrrrrr - can it be a slight burn or is it something else?

12-08-07, 12:43
Hi there,

Do you hyperventilate at all? just wondered as bad breathing due to anxiety can cause tingling feelings.

It doesn't sound like sunburn but could be as you can definitely get sunburn through glass!

Take care,


PS Just had a quick look at your website - stunning photos!

12-08-07, 13:20
Thanks for the comments. I don't tend to hypervenilate and haven't noticed any breathing problems. It just seems weird it would be the top of my cheek where the sun was shining most onto my skin from behind the glass. As always I'm worried about CJD and such like and automatically this is what goes through my mine no matter what it is!

12-08-07, 14:07
I Was Gonna Say The Same As Lisa I Hyperventalate Always Get That Numb Feeling On My Face Or Hands Ect...but Yes U Can Get Burned Also Thru Glass .....but Im Sure Its Just Anxiety.....wish Ya The Best.........linda X