View Full Version : Numb toe

26-07-18, 14:16
Hello everybody!

So yesterday as I was laying down before going to bed I noticed that the tip of my left toe was kinda numb, as if I got local anesthetic or something. I only noticed it when my foot rubbed against my sheets, and then when I touched it I couldn’t feel much.

Its not completely numb, but i’d say its 90% numb. Only when I go hard I feel a little something.

Then this morning I started feeling like a “burning” sensation over my entire foot, as if hot water is being poured over it. Comes and goes. But the numbness remains.

Also, I feel a bit of pain when moving my toe up and down, nothing crazy, just a mild discomfort.

Has this happened to anybody? Im avoiding at all costs going to google and I dont know what to think of it. Any help would be much appreciated!

PD: i really messed up my right knee playing beach volleyball the other day so maybe I am more concious about something thats been there before? Not sure...

Thanks for reading this


26-07-18, 21:06
It does’t seem like its a very common occurance...

Its a little freaky, never had this happen before. I really would like some advice. I appreciate the time it’ll take to respond to my thread, and I thank you in advance!


27-07-18, 00:29
It really could be anything, Rey. If you've been physically active (eg, playing sports) recently, it could be a strained muscle pinching on a nerve.

Certainly not a rare or sinister symptom - and I bet you it will be gone once you stop focusing on it.

Magic ;)

27-07-18, 02:09
Thank you!

I want to believe that is nothing sinister, but it is quite weird to say the least. Hopefully its related to a strain of some sort. Obviously now I notice it quite a bit but its hard not to when the entire tip of the toe is under local anesthesia.

Thanks for replying. It did make me feel a bit better.


27-07-18, 22:05
Both my big toes are kinda numb. I actually quite enjoy poking them with pins to try to produce a sensation. Is that weird???

27-07-18, 23:36
I guess the weird thing for me is that its new.

I didnt have this before, and its really freaking me out. I get a mild pain on my toe as well as the numbness at the tip of it. My right foot is normal so its just the left one...

I dont know what could be causing this.


28-07-18, 03:47
Yep, started with my right big toe being numb, then the sole of my foot and other toes. Sometimes it feels like my toes are wet when they really aren't. I can't tell if my mind is making it worse than what it is and imagining it, or if it actually bad. Trying hard not to freak out.

28-07-18, 04:55
Very weird isn’t it???

I’ve had the wet foot sensation before, and I can almost say that I’d rather have that than this. The whole “numb” feeling just freaks me out!!

I kinda want to go to the dr about it, but I just know he’ll laugh at me. Or, he’ll say that is something more serious.. and i can’t deal with this anxiety right now.

I’ve been doing kinda good, but I feel like this damn numb feeling is sending me down the wrong whole again.

At least if theres one thing that comforts me is the fact that i know im not alone!


28-07-18, 07:54
Does sound like it could be some sort of neuropathic occurance to be honest. Don't worry yourself about it, the causes of these types of issues are very, very rarely anything sinister and often go away on their own with no cause diagnosed after 4-6 months, sometimes just a few weeks.

I'd go to the doctors to rule out diabetes (unlikely in a 29 year old unless you are very overweight) and maybe get a nerve conduction test just to rule out any nerve damage but I definitely wouldn't panic about this.

28-07-18, 12:50
Does sound like it could be some sort of neuropathic occurance to be honest. Don't worry yourself about it, the causes of these types of issues are very, very rarely anything sinister and often go away on their own with no cause diagnosed after 4-6 months, sometimes just a few weeks.

I'd go to the doctors to rule out diabetes (unlikely in a 29 year old unless you are very overweight) and maybe get a nerve conduction test just to rule out any nerve damage but I definitely wouldn't panic about this.

I guess at this point I am going to the dr. Over this.

Needless to say, I’m panicking over this. I know it wasnt your intention and appreciate the honesty though.


---------- Post added at 07:50 ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 ----------

I do work on my feet 8 hours a day 5 days a week..

Could that have anything to do with it?

28-07-18, 19:18
Now the idea of diabetes is going through my head. I did get blood work about 4 months ago and my sugar was a bit high, however since then ive dropped 30 pounds and im a lot leaner. Im also not having sweets like I used to.

Im concerned. I guess I do need reassurance. Sorry


28-07-18, 19:52
Now the idea of diabetes is going through my head. I did get blood work about 4 months ago and my sugar was a bit high, however since then ive dropped 30 pounds and im a lot leaner. Im also not having sweets like I used to.

Im concerned. I guess I do need reassurance. Sorry


Oh dear, Rey...all because of a "numb toe"!

We could urge you to see a doc but then what? Wash, rinse, repeat? There must come a point when you say enough is enough and stop this cycle.

28-07-18, 21:28
My toes go numb sometimes for a few days. I get all kinds of numbness around my body. It started after my daughter was born, so it's almost certainly due to my misaligned hips/back. Any kind of pinched or inflamed nerve can do that. I have sciatica right now and I get a random numb patch on my calf and the top of my foot now and then. Sometimes a cold sensation down my back, etc... It's absolutely worse when I'm anxious.

29-07-18, 01:02
Oh dear, Rey...all because of a "numb toe"!

We could urge you to see a doc but then what? Wash, rinse, repeat? There must come a point when you say enough is enough and stop this cycle.

So you dont think that a numb toe is of any importance? Because all I saw online is that its related to neuropathy (diabetes) or something else. Thats why im freaking out and why im here. Im an anxious person. That is obvious, but sometimes i come here to vent/rant-like many others.

I do appreciate the time it takes to respond to someone, so for that thank you.

Im trying my best to not go down in a spiral, although im already there at this point unfortunately. So venting is all I have left.


29-07-18, 04:01
Rey... I have a strong feeling it's the hours you spend on your feet and the shoes you're wearing.

Would you consider changing up your footwear? Possibly going to a really good shoe store and being properly fitted with shoes for people on their feet a lot?

Please stop searching the internet for answers, you can see it's just dragging you down the rabbit hole.

29-07-18, 06:04
Rey... I have a strong feeling it's the hours you spend on your feet and the shoes you're wearing.

Would you consider changing up your footwear? Possibly going to a really good shoe store and being properly fitted with shoes for people on their feet a lot?

Please stop searching the internet for answers, you can see it's just dragging you down the rabbit hole.

It is dragging me down, I know. But with weird symptoms like these its hard to ignore and not freak out.

If anxiety was a bit rational...


29-07-18, 19:25
So you dont think that a numb toe is of any importance? Because all I saw online is that its related to neuropathy (diabetes) or something else. Thats why im freaking out and why im here. Im an anxious person. That is obvious, but sometimes i come here to vent/rant-like many others.

I do appreciate the time it takes to respond to someone, so for that thank you.

Im trying my best to not go down in a spiral, although im already there at this point unfortunately. So venting is all I have left.


I think your anxiety is of importance and I'm not belittling it in any way. But I firmly believe your symptoms are a result of your sporting activity, and as Nancy said, could also be exacerbated by ill-fitting trainers/shoes.

You are free to vent at any time :shades:

29-07-18, 23:49
I think your anxiety is of importance and I'm not belittling it in any way. But I firmly believe your symptoms are a result of your sporting activity, and as Nancy said, could also be exacerbated by ill-fitting trainers/shoes.

You are free to vent at any time :shades:

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Even though im in a dark place right now, I appreciate you all who help people like me going through hard times, and in a way helps me see the light.
