View Full Version : People; claustrophobic; commitment; scared

27-07-18, 05:32
So it's been over a year since I had to dramatically pull away from my best friend after months of painful interaction without her knowing. Dreading calls, requests to see me, conversation, anything! All of it sent me into a frenzy of gut wrenching anxiety and tension. I lost myself and how to be, mostly with the person I should be my self most around. It threw me off and panicked me, sleepless nights and so much agonising self hatred and confusion at why it all felt so punishing for no apparent reason. I still don't fully get why this happened. I wanted to let her escape me because I was wasting her time in my inauthenticity. Now we are back to seeing each other relatively regularly but I can never ever shake this looming fear of this scenario replaying itself. I still have a massive guard up, mainly because I don't want to get really close again and her rely on me incase I let her down. So it still doesn't feel natural: I'm still trying to time manage our relationship in fear of becoming someone she depends on too much. It's still constructed and unnatural but I feel I have to to protect her from me/the side of me I feel powerless over. I can talk to her about this subject as a whole but there's talking about it and then there's my general being the rest of the time which still hasn't learnt to be myself. I guard negative emotion and cannot remember the last time I picked up the phone to her or anyone to rant or cry etc. Even if I wanted to which I don't, I couldn't, I have an auto pilot that makes it impossible for me to be truly authentic and to brush past everything to not inconvenience anyone. I just desperately don't want her to feel that comfortable with me which is of course upsetting as it is. I just don't trust the power of my mind and how it could affect someone else's life. Does anyone relate to this at all? I know it's a strange one, I'm just exhausted, frustrated and very frightened. Thank you.

27-07-18, 06:14
Is this a friend or a romantic involvement? If it's the latter I can understand how you could feel. Have you considered some counselling in regards to this situation which has arisen again? Just an idea.

27-07-18, 21:21
No it's in regards to a friend and all relationships in general. I'm completely paralysed in fear of all of them. They are all currently just surface friendships with no real bond. I don't trust any situation I get myself in as I know I do not have the ability to put up barriers or tell people when I'm sad or angry etc I am just petrified all the time. All the time. Locked up with tension and apprehension. Not knowing how to act next. I can't be myself. I hate myself. I'm embarrassed by most things in my life and one example of why I don't share is one of my now used to be close friends has completely taken the sensitive information I gave her and abused it. Almost using it as ammo for jokes and to undermine me and my own insecurities that shatter me daily without someone highlighting this. It has abused my trust and meant I've maintained a friendship for a good year that has no real meaning to it as I don't disclose anything that she could use against me. She makes me hate me even more which I didn't think was possible. She claims she knows me and says this a lot when she really doesn't at all. No way. It's insulting that she thinks that and can see how vulnerable I've been when we were closer and use that against me now. Any chance, she will throw a 'reminder' in there which freezes me to the spot and I just want to run. And it reaffirms that I should never ever be open with anyone. It's complete entrapment and fear.