View Full Version : Spitting blood is making my anxiety worse

27-07-18, 20:59
I was an active teen who loved adventures and all that. I am 26 now and know I have health anxiety, but it did not come out of nowhere. On 2011 I had my first even of irregular beat/palpitations. Needless to say, it scared the crap out of me. At the hospital they discarded an emergency and was told to visit a cardiologist. The cardiologist had me on a 48hr holter monitor, he also had me on one more EKG and an echo-cardiogram. The test showed there was nothing to worry about. He told me to relax and to avoid caffeine. I have done this but the palpitations have persisted, they come and go, and this has been happening for many years now.

On top of this, on 2013, I was diagnosed with GERD and esophagitis. This has also persisted. I take medications for months and it gets better but once I put the medications down it returns. On 2016 I had my second endoscopy which showed my esophagus was healing. But to this day I still have issues and will get a third endoscopy this upcoming week.

Now, the last thing that has sent me into a very anxious state happened two days ago. I was relaxed, watching youtube videos when all of the sudden I felt a bit weird. And its really hard for me to pin point what I felt but I decided to drink some water. I immediately tasted blood, then started to simply spit blood for about 7 minutes. I panicked and called 911. Once in the ambulance I started to feel upper stomach pain. At the hospital they did a CT scan of my abdomen (which I was hesitant because of the radiation), an X Ray of my Torax and some blood tests. All of it came out fine. The GI couldnt see me so I got an appointment with him next week (the endoscopy).

I recently got out of the hospital and feel well. I was getting to relaxed again but then I spit a little bit of phlegm with a spot of "old blood". Of course, Im a bit anxious again. Well, not just a bit... Im worrying its something bad. Of course, spitting blood is not something to take lightly. I wonder if, taking into account the test done at the hospital, it could only be stomach related and not cardiac or pulmonary.

Anybody have a clue?

27-07-18, 23:57
I'm so sorry you're going through this! It all sounds like a very frightening experience! What did the doctors at the hospital think? Did they have any ideas?

Were you coughing it out of your lungs or just spitting it out of your mouth?

I am not at all a doctor, but thinking logically, if everything else came out normal I'd think it would most likely be caused by the GERD. Since it was an acute thing, maybe just a burst blood vessel in your esophagus? The old blood would make sense because if you had a bunch of blood in your mouth it seems normal there'd be some left over in your sinuses or throat. If it was something serious I would imagine (a) the hospital would have found something and (b) it wouldn't just stop and you'd feel fine.

Good luck with the endoscopy next week!

28-07-18, 10:46
Agree with the poster above. Also, did you clear your throat to get the blood up to your mouth? If not, then maybe it was a mouth bleeding? How are your teeth and gums?