View Full Version : Melanoma fears for partner

27-07-18, 22:16
Hi guys I’m just really struggling today...
My partner has a lot of moles...she went and had them checked jan last year by the GP who was also a skin specialist and he said they were fine but to keep an eye on them as both her Mum and Nan had 1 melanoma each.

So I have a fear when it comes to her moles...so she has this particular one on her back...I think it’s what they call dysplastic Nevi...she has a lot of quite big ones, brown with white bits, some that look like fried eggs etc...but this particular one on her back is kind of a smudge on a pink background...she’s adamant it hasn’t changed and I’ve taken pictures of it over the course of 3 weeks and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed (would I notice a change in 3 weeks)...although I’m no expert...obviously I’d like her to see the GP to get them checked out but she’s positive she doesn’t need to and has told me she’d know if any changed as they’d turn black,itchy and bleed...is that right?

I was going to add a picture on here but to be honest when you look at a picture of it close up it looks much worse than when you see it normally...if you know what I mean...any responses would be great as I’ve got myself worked up...AGAIN. Thanks T xx

27-07-18, 23:16
Hi guys I’m just really struggling today...
My partner has a lot of moles...she went and had them checked jan last year by the GP who was also a skin specialist and he said they were fine but to keep an eye on them as both her Mum and Nan had 1 melanoma each.

So I have a fear when it comes to her moles...so she has this particular one on her back...I think it’s what they call dysplastic Nevi...she has a lot of quite big ones, brown with white bits, some that look like fried eggs etc...but this particular one on her back is kind of a smudge on a pink background...she’s adamant it hasn’t changed and I’ve taken pictures of it over the course of 3 weeks and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed (would I notice a change in 3 weeks)...although I’m no expert...obviously I’d like her to see the GP to get them checked out but she’s positive she doesn’t need to and has told me she’d know if any changed as they’d turn black,itchy and bleed...is that right?

I was going to add a picture on here but to be honest when you look at a picture of it close up it looks much worse than when you see it normally...if you know what I mean...any responses would be great as I’ve got myself worked up...AGAIN. Thanks T xx

Hi, I understand your anxiety over this, as both my brother and I have lots of moles (flat and raised) especially on our backs. It's our Celtic heritage!

I'm glad you've told your partner how you feel about things as this is very important to help alleviate your fears. She has taken responsibility by seeing the specialist and he/she's checked her out and all is fine. Nothing would have developed in 3 weeks plus your partner is also keeping an eye on herself and has noticed no change. Even if moles (or their surround) do grow, they can be benign. I think you can be reassured by this, you are both doing as much as you can.
One thing you can do is draw around the mole and see if it gets bigger at all over time.

I've had a Dysplastic Nevi cut out and it's a benign condition. I go to the skin specialist every 18 months (should go yearly) and he inspects all my moles and freckles. He knows which ones to keep an eye on (which luckily are none at present). My younger brother (52) had an early stage melanoma removed from his back 10 years ago and he's fine. He's had pre-cancerous lesions removed from his legs too. My brother was a keen surfer back in his youth when they didn't use sunscreen!