View Full Version : stuck in an anxiety/hypochondria/depression loop, feel like I'm going crazy

28-07-18, 22:28
It started with a health anxiety scare, thought I had a brain tumor, went to a doctor, was able to bring msyelf out of that place... For an hour or so.... Now im just stuck in a serious loop and I feel really depressed when I'm not panicking, then I get worried about feeling depressed which leads to more panic, and this is my first time dealing with what I think is actual depression. I feel like I'm going insane. Something will happen that will cheer me up for a few seconds but then the feeling of doom sets in cause I know the anxiety and stress and depressed feeling will be back. I'm losing weight from not eating, then I try to eat I have anxiety, even though I'm hungry up until I try. I just wanna break down :( have had an awful brain fog for days, haven't felt myself. I wanna go back to counseling, but what if that doesn't work??? How can I get into a better frame of mind and stop this?

29-07-18, 21:22
Hi Tech.

I really can relate. I'm in a very similar situation at the minute. I had a health scare and the doctor told me I'm fine, worked for a few weeks but now I'm back to feeling as if I never went at all. Like you if I even stop panicking for a moment, I start worrying again because I'm scared that if I don't focus on it, something bad will happen, like I'll tempt fate. At my worst period a month or so ago, I lost a stone over 2 weeks because I just couldn't function, it was pure hell. I was sitting all day googling my symptoms and sending myself into a hysteria, I ended up being put on Diazepam and it didn't even help. I'm currently waiting on CBT which I have tried in the past and it didn't really help but I'm so desperate. I really wish I could give you a solution, I will say though distraction and banning yourself from google goes a long way. It doesn't get rid of the thoughts but it knocks it out of the unbearable stage to tolerable, although still unpleasant. Have you spoke to your GP about how your feeling? I found even asking for help was a relief. Hugs x

30-07-18, 08:50

I'm going through a similar situation right now, it's been going on since April and I can't even remember what life was like before that. My boyfriend and family are very supportive but get very tired of me keep going on about it. I was going to the docs nearly every week but the doctor I see is very good and understanding. After the last time she told me I was fine I felt fine for two weeks and the pain went some where else and I started worrying about that and then pop it came back to the same place it and started all over again and the the other pain went it is a massive circle, I keep telling myself that if the pain and sensation went for two weeks it cant be anything serious it's got be anxiety but the voice in my head tells me the opposite and I'm back to square one. I'm on two lots on anxiety tablets and going to therapy but I have got to admit that I'm still struggling day to day. This HA is torture I really hope one day all of us can get out the rut we get ourselves in. I hope you are feeling better soon keep in touch.