View Full Version : particularly bad day

12-08-07, 19:35
I am newish to here though I do spend a lot of time on this website funny enough. I am having somewhat of a bad day today, and my Anxiety is not helping the situation.

My left eye has been feeling very lazy but visibly there appears to be nothing wrong with me, subsequently as a result of this I have been feeling extremely anxious my tingling sensations which I sometimes get have come back and that creepy feeling in my scalp. I have been taking relora but left it at work this weekend so I really suffering.

My worst fears are a brain tumor or aneurism, I know sometimes if you put your symptoms into Google it's not the best thing to do because it will probably say I would be dead in 2 seconds hehe. I am just trying to gain reassurance. I know every time I go to my doctor the keep assuriming nothing is wrong and it's just my anxiety. I mean to be honest I can't personally pay for like a CT scan or anything. I think I am just blowing things our of proportion. Last month I thought there was something seriously wrong and sat in A&E for hours the docs took blood, checked my reflexes, checked my eyes (at the time my eye was not feeling like this) and said I looked fine and possibly overly stressed. I am 27 generally healthy, just wish I could stop worrying that I am going to die all of a sudden! it's really getting me down and hampering me caring for my son never mind myself. every twinge or ache or bump I think there is something full of doom and gloom around the corner.

Just wanted to get it off my chest sorry for babbling.

Thanks, Jane

12-08-07, 20:28
Hi Jane:D

Have you ever tried cbt but tailored toward health anxiety??

It helped me a lot:yesyes:

Oh and Welcome :hugs:

Luv Kaz

12-08-07, 21:33
Hi Jane and welcome to the site (sorry I'm late doing that :ohmy: )

My advice would be to go back to the doctor and ask for some CBT therapy - the likelihood is that you'll have to wait some time for it, but the quicker your name is down the better!

It's not easy to shrug off this anxiety, but one thing to do is accept that this is how you are MENTALLY. Not easy I know, but acceptance is key, even though it will take some time.

You are always welcome to attend the 'Release' self-help group that I run in town with a young psychologist. http://www.anxietyrelease.org.uk

Take Care

12-08-07, 21:33
Thanks Kaz, I will scrap speaking to my doc about a referal I just had a look on the BABCP web for a refurral.

12-08-07, 21:37
Thank you Ray, it's something worth considering. I used to see a therapist on the NHS but could not get the time off work it was a huge conflict! so I had to give it in they just couldn't be flexable. With the group shall I let you know if I will be coming?

12-08-07, 21:43
Hi Jane,

You can just come along - no need to let me know - our next meeting's on 22nd Aug as we only meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. For one of the dates next month, the psychologist will be away, but the meeting will still take place.