View Full Version : terrified i have a leison or aneurysm, cant sleep axiety through the roof

28-07-18, 22:38
I have had dizziness , nausea, all kinds of shooting pains, tension headache. Cluster headache, brain zaps. Migraines, unfocused eyes... all since 13/6/18
i also have a bump on the back of my head that has felt tender for 4 years now the doctor said it is swollen lymph nodes, but its been swollen constant. I've been to a&e 4 times with these symptoms.
the doctors at least once a week since.. a&e done a ct (without contrast) scan an all came back ok.
The doctor referred me to the neurologist on the (10/7) nearly 3 weeks ago now, with a red flag, haven't heard a thing back yet... I rang them there now and they said the neurologist hasn't even had a chance to look at my letter yet.
These migraines and funny feelings in my head are getting worse... I have been in bed for 5 days without going down stairs because I feel so unwell, and crippled with anxiety.
I have a 3 year old daughter that I can't even look after at the minute. Her daddy is doing all the work... I can't tolerate noise. Can't concentrate or feel normal im so scared that something is about to happen to me.
It's like nowhere I go no one is taking me seriously. I can't manage the rest of the week like this but i have to. Every day from the minute I wake I'm anxious and my head aces are there. If not a headache, the bump at the back right side of my head is tender and burning. . And my anxious feeling is constant... No one is helpful. Doctors just say there's nothing more we can do it's out of our hands... neurologist nurse on the phone says nothing she can do, go back to my doctor until then.. but it's pointless going to doctor as he already said it's out of his hands now.
Painkillers don't help. Amitriptyline doesn't help. I've had 3 massages and acupuncture none of them help. 😣😣😣 I've been given anti-inflammatories naproxen 500mg and they don't even help.... what more do I need to go through before I get looked at. ? Seizure? Die?? I don't even know what form to post this in. Head ache's or anxiety because apparently, that's what it is... I'm sick of it... genuinely sick to my stomach

(I'm going to add here my recent stresses here just for people to get a full idea, house move 5 weeks ago, I felt unwell just before the move too... 5 days after being in the new house my 3-year-old had a seizure due to a temperature spike. So nothing serious. .. but I screamed and screamed in the street in panic. and this is where I'm sure i caused an aneurysm or lesion. A fight happened a few doors down with bottles smashing not with me but I was sat at my back door when i heard it all, and my neighbor across from me killed someone 20 years ago... fell out with my closest friend that I would have seen regularly. But she's an a-hole so I'm better off away from her anyway. Eugh) also found some things on my boyfriend of 9 years phone. i forgave him then 7 days later I found more :weep: I do feel extremely stressed out. I've pleaded with doctors to give me something to relax me until I get better. But nope. No help
I feel I will only be able to begin living again when I can get this MRI scan... I can't sleep in fear ill die in my sleep. can't eat because I feel so nauseous. can't even get dressed, was my hair, do my makeup or even cook dinner. its like I'm losing my life all of a sudden. :(
I just want the nightmare to end now. don't know how I'm going to manage the next few days waiting on this MRI. I'm scared stiff. :weep: please if anyone relates, help me out of this hole. has anyone felt this way before? :( does it get better?

29-07-18, 00:11
I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time. Going through severe anxiety and physical pain, while having a 3 year old much feel beyond impossible. My anxiety spiked after my daughter was born 4 years ago, so I know how hard it can be to try and handle the responsibilities of motherhood while in such a deep, dark, terrifying place.

Try and focus on the number of times you've been to the doctor and that they have found nothing significant wrong. Anxiety and the level of stress you're currently under can absolutely cause horrible symptoms like you describe. You also will get the MRI to truly rule out anything else. But, chances are good these things are anxiety related. My brother just went through a terrible bout of anxiety and depression and he was getting unbearably bad headaches every day. Once he was able to get past the severe anxiety stage they just totally stopped.

I think the best thing you could do is find a therapist or someone to speak with about your anxiety. This was the only thing that saved me when I felt like everything was hopeless and I was spending my days laying on the floor crying my eyes out.

29-07-18, 00:42
thanks erin, ive been referred to cbt also but it will take a few weeks before i hear anything back from them. im so scared atm, i belive once the mri is done and if its clear that my anxiety will be 10x less than what it is now and hopefully my headaches will stop. i am crippled with fear that something is about to happen me :weep:

29-07-18, 01:30
I'm thinking of you. It's so so hard. I hope you find some relief soon! <3