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View Full Version : Please help - fears getting worse

29-07-18, 10:24
Dear Forum Users,
I have severe Health Anxiety fuelled by OCD.
2 weeks ago I saw a Dermatologist for a mole check.
He said all was fine there was only one which I should monitor
he saw I was panicked and said he wasn’t worried and if it was on him
He would leave it well alone.
I see him every year.
I have become obsessed by this mole. It looks dreadful, exactly like
photos of bad moles - it has a black centre which looks like a crater.
I assessed it usin SkinVision the app and it came back as high risk.
I have been like looking at it in a hand mirror all the time - I have put my back out bending to see it clearly. It is on my chest - just where my bra line sits.
Please can I have some common sense advice - thank you.

29-07-18, 14:19
Common sense: Trust your doctor over an app.

Positive thoughts

29-07-18, 18:50
Thank you. I know you are right. Will keep trying to remind myself of the actual facts. Thank you.