View Full Version : Upset stomach - bowel cancer fear

29-07-18, 14:50
Hi there. Ever since Friday night I have had an upset stomach with diarrhoea, not had any sickness. It started after I ate a big meal and now Every time I eat my stomach feels bad again and hurts and then I need toilet. Really starting to worry it may be bowel cancer. Can upset stomachs last this long? My partner ate the same meal I had and he's fine.

Please reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

29-07-18, 14:57
Cancer doesn't just suddenly start after a big meal. No "what ifs" or "yeah buts".

Positive thoughts

29-07-18, 15:51
What fishmanpa said. And, anxiety causes an upset stomach.

29-07-18, 15:53
Sounds like a bug but certainly not cancer.

30-07-18, 09:08
Hi. I still have this now. Bad stomach cramps as well. I think I still having eaten that well over weekend could that keep aggravating it? Going to have a detox day today and drink loads of water and hopefully that will help.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

30-07-18, 14:14
My stomach has been upset and not upset to varying degrees for the last few years. I have only sought medical help for it because I wanted to find some comfort, I don't think a doctor or I even ever questioned if it was anything other than an anxious gut. Sometimes mine will be bad for a week or two steadily, then fine for the same amount of time. The body does a lot of odd things from anxiety and also from outside stimuli. Don't think zebra, those hooves are almost certainly not a zebra.

30-07-18, 14:54
Sounds like ibs, an upset in your gut bacteria or a bug.
Not cancer.

30-07-18, 20:26
Yeah hopefully it does go away. I'm so scared and worried. Today I have had stomach pain and cramps all day. Haunt been toilet either so feel like it's constipation now. I just don't get what's going on. Hardly eaten Today, only had a couple of crackers. Only drank water as well.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxx

30-07-18, 21:12
my best friend had bowel cancer
her symptoms were not like a stomach bug believe me x

---------- Post added at 21:12 ---------- Previous post was at 21:09 ----------

Cancer doesn't just suddenly start after a big meal. No "what ifs" or "yeah buts".

Positive thoughts

no pun intended fishmanpa

30-07-18, 22:17
What were your friends symptoms

30-07-18, 22:42
What were your friends symptoms

She had extreme pain her stomach and bum,constantly on the toilet it was loose or constipated and lost blood everytime she went the toilet she said the pain was pulsing it never stopped yours sounds more like ibs that is brought on by stress :hugs:

01-08-18, 20:30
Hi everyone. I have still got an upset stomach. My sister also had it which made me think it is a bug but I still have mine. It's been 5 days now and it did seem it was getting better but now I'm just really constipated and can't seem to go toilet, I had diarrhoea for 2 days and now not been for 3 days so don't get what's going on. I have gone on holiday today so not ideal and had some chips earlier and now have bad cramps again. This has to be bowel cancer? I'm so scared.

Please reply.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

01-08-18, 20:32
Why does it have to be bowel cancer?

Eating chips might not be the best food for constipation. You need lots of water, fruit & vegetables.

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01-08-18, 20:36
Because stomach bugs don't last this long. 5 days I have had this. I'm away now and can't enjoy myself.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxx

01-08-18, 20:38
Because stomach bugs don't last this long. 5 days I have had this.

Who says? They can last/linger for two weeks or more. It doesn't help you're stressed over it either!

Positive thoughts

01-08-18, 20:49
Who says? They can last/linger for two weeks or more. It doesn't help you're stressed over it either!

Positive thoughts

Exactly what I was going to say!
You think you have bowel cancer because you know that stomach upsets don’t last that long?? They can last for weeks. Your stomach is very likely to still be tender. Plus you’ve hardly eaten or drunk anything healthy for days, hence the constipation.

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