View Full Version : Not Sure If Im Having Constant Panic Attacks

30-07-18, 05:04
So recently Ive been experiencing what my family and Primary doctor believe to be Panic Attacks from My Anxiety. Ive always been a nervous kid growing up. Ive always looked for something to be afraid of, whether it was Doomsday theories or the news. Most of my life I was able to cope and some days were great and Some days were me being anxious about something.

But recently for about a month Ive been feeling lightheaded or dizzy and then sometimes I would go into a feeling of full anxiety. Sometimes it felt like the floor at work was warped and I was walking on a bumpy floor for a split sec.

The worse is when Im in the car and I would look at my phone and when I looked up Id feel a for a second, dizzy. Then my arms would start to tingle, my stomach felt like a numb stone. Sometimes the tingling would be in my face.Then My mind rushes to thinking Im gonna collapse or Im gonna die.

Part of it comes from the fact ive had two heart surgeries, one when I was a baby and one when I was about 26. So I worry its my heart. The other thing is I worry about is its my Brain. But one thing that I wondered could of contributed to my anxiety is that I believe I have "Snow Vision" Where if I look I notice billons of little dots changing color like what I see looks cover in static. Ive noticed this since I was young.

If you have any advice or wanna talk Id love to talk.
Thank you for reading sorry for all the writing.

30-07-18, 14:29
Hi Alex, I can relate to this. I often feel lightheaded and dizzy when I'm having panic attacks and I also get the visual disturbances. Anxiety can do really awful things to us and I am constantly scared I'm going to collapse despite there being nothing medically wrong.

You are not alone and I would advise you to get some counselling/therapy if it's available to you.


30-07-18, 16:46
I have anxiety about my heart since my issues started. It causes constant adrenaline rush which is embarrassing. I think constant anxiety is a thing I have it. I need a way to move away from the adrenaline as it makes me angry for some reason. It's normal to have anxiety around the heart imo.