View Full Version : Light headed and nauseous

30-07-18, 10:37
Good morning please don't think this as a negative post quite the opposite in fact,I have been what I call lightheadedness and nauseous for about 3 months now and I am fed up with it,there I feel better for sharing this with someone else,as no one else knows this as I have become a master of hiding these feeling(LOL) I really am angry with myself for allowing anxiety to make me feel this way,Thanks for listening my friends,enjoy your day:)

ps.all you need to do is to read my post and any comment would be very much appreciated and then at least i will know that someone else knows how I feel,Thank you

30-07-18, 14:32
Hiya, it is important to share your feelings so it's great you're posting in the forum! You will find a lot of people on here who feel exactly the same as you and can relate.

I get lightheaded with my anxiety all the time! Infact I get a whole load of horrible symptoms but it is important to remember it is just the anxiety and try not to Google things because other sites always post the most extreme thing that could be wrong!

30-07-18, 14:35
Thankyou @Graceski my friend for answering my post its very much appreciated:)

welsh girl
30-07-18, 18:02
As regards waking up feeling nauseus, I'm with you there, all I want to do is climb back into bed, The things I think I have got jumps from one thing to another, however after sitting on the bed for a while I do rise and shower, and maybe start to feel a bit better,
In am convinced it is anxiety, if only I could put the clock back, you are not alone, I will think about you tomorrow morning !!

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 18:01 ----------

As regards waking up feeling nauseus, I'm with you there, all I want to do is climb back into bed, The things I think I have got jumps from one thing to another, however after sitting on the bed for a while I do rise and shower, and maybe start to feel a bit better,
In am convinced it is anxiety, if only I could put the clock back, you are not alone, I will think about you tomorrow morning !!

30-07-18, 18:10
At least you accept your anxiety is making you feel this way. That is something.

And you're definitely not alone in hiding your anxiety either.